Do I need any photography experience?

No! You do not need any photography experience. You just need a smartphone camera. Any smartphone camera will do. We recommend starting with The Basics, or any of our free courses, and moving on from there.

Do I need a fancy camera?

You don't need a fancy camera OR a fancy phone. Our goal is that any person with any kind of camera can benefit from these courses.

How long can I access my course?

Forever! Once you purchase a course, it is yours forever. We encourage you to revisit the course and/or the workbooks included anytime you need a refresher.

How long are the courses?

The courses vary in length, but most can be completed in an afternoon. They are broken up into modules that are easy to get through, so you can take breaks in between, or pause and come back another day if you need to.

What is included in the course?

With each course you get an amazing workbook to download. The courses work best if you watch the videos and complete the workbooks simultaneously.

You also become a part of the Smarter Phone Photography™ community! You will receive emails with tips and photo challenges, and you can post images to our private Facebook group for critiques from instructors and peers.

We are building a community where we can all learn and participate. We're all photographers now! You have the tools in your hand to take amazing pictures.
