Privacy Policy

Personal information:

Personal information is distinguishable information that helps us to identify user. We may access certain personal information for example device data, gallery and camera. The third party may acquire more data regarding you in order to provide better services but that will only on your consent. We may reveal personal data only on your acknowledgement and according to law of country.

Non-Personal information:

We may gather non-personal information upon the use of our services and application by you such as WIFI network and location. Advertising ID non-permanent, non-personal and device identifiers for example android advertising ID that is only for advertisement purpose only. We don’t use cookies however third party may use to provide you uninterrupted & better services.



We use this permission to listen and convert into text, we don’t keep any recordings.


This permission is for capturing photos and edit as per requirements.


To acquire file from mobile storage or store user work in SD card this permission is needed.


To get text from notification we ask user to permit notifications.

Internet access:

This permission facilitates us to get resourc3s from the server such as photos effect, photo frame and for checking network connection.


We may ask user to allow access to contact list only for using in our app we don’t store them for any other purpose.

Third party services:

We may use wide range of third party services to assists us in providing a worthy services. We don’t have any authority or control over third party services & websites indeed association to a website or service displays doesn’t mean we certify them or practices link to user information.

Changes to privacy policy:

We may update or change this page periodically, kindly frequently visit this page for any amendments as it practices immediately in application after mentioning here.

Contact us:

For questions and queries please contact us at