Address this state of affairs head on with the Huawei Smart Gate Solution, which more and more authorities are turning to . The solution implements centralized supervision of operations allied to automatic, smart identification and clearance. And the results? Clamp down on illegal activity such as smuggling, improve tax revenues, enhance border security, and dramatically improve the efficiency of customs clearance processes.

Yangshan Customs has taken advantage of the smart supervision of the automated terminal in the Yangshan Phase IV automatic terminal and deployed a vehicle mounted container inspection system to connect with the automatic guided vehicle at the port.

Smart Customs Indir

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As distinct from the sometimes complex and often troublesome regular customs examination process, the new mode of container inspections generates images through preliminary machine scanning and sends them to intelligent platforms for examination.

The personnel at the customs then examine the cargo through the images, with the help of tips and certain insights that have been provided to them. The container that passes the inspection can then enter the normal customs clearance process.

The goal is to implement efficient and effective customs procedures by providing trade-related companies and passengers with solutions that simplify and streamline their compliance obligations. In order to achieve this, the following measures will be enacted:

Multiple access is meant to enhance cooperation with domestic and foreign authorities/companies, and promote the reinforcement of border protection while concurrently maintaining efficient customs procedures. In order to achieve this, the following measures will be enacted:

Another goal is to increase resilience to, and reduce the impact of, demographic changes and disasters, while simultaneously maintaining effective and efficient customs procedures and operations. In order to achieve this, the following measures will be enacted:

Finally, cutting-edge technology, including AI, will be adopted to make customs operations more advanced and efficient. Additionally, staff training will be conducted to upskill employees, and current customs operations will be reviewed to improve the overall work environment. In order to achieve this, the following measures will be enacted:

For importers and exporters in Japan, it will be critical to adapt to the changes quickly and incorporate the new measures into their operating systems to ensure that there is no detrimental impact to their daily international transactions and that they can benefit from the new measures. For example, the upskilling of staff and the increased use of technology likely will mean more focus by Japan Customs on ensuring that importers and exporters are compliant with customs rules and regulations.

Additionally, the implementation of AI and cutting-edge technology will not only improve the compliance process for taxpayers, but it will also enable the customs authority to collect and store large amounts of data in a timely manner. It is possible that this new capability will lead to more rigorous post-clearance audits. Further, audits and investigations may also be more targeted as a result of the strengthening of relationships and the increase in the exchange of information between Japan Customs and its foreign counterparts and local authorities, which may enable customs authorities to become aware of potential risks at an earlier stage.

In 2021, China launched the "Smart Customs, Smart Borders and Smart Connectivity" (3S) Initiative, aiming at further advancing the application of smart technologies and adoption of innovative measures to improve customs control, deepen Customs cooperation and ensure trade security and faster clearance. This video provides an introduction of the 3S Initiative and some of China Customs' pilot projects under this initiative.

Huawei's smart horizontal transport solution builds smart clouds, vehicles, and roads. The solution features global path planning, high-precision positioning, an MDC platform that integrates lidars, mmWave radars, and cameras, core system integration, and cloud-vehicle decoupling. These features enable autonomous driving, intelligent obstacle avoidance, and adaptive cruise control, reducing safety risks and increasing operational efficiency by 20%.

Manual inspection usually takes a long time, slowing down customs clearance. Another important issue is ineffective supervision, which negatively impacts trade. To address these issues, Lu said Huawei has designed solutions to enable openness, easy control, fast access, and quality services.

Remote Inspection: Huawei's one-stop customs video inspection solution facilitates online, mobile, and video-based inspections. Customs authorities and enterprises can now interact online instead of performing on-site checks. This leads to faster inspection services and reduces labor and time costs for both customs authorities and enterprises.

Smart Gates: Huawei has also designed a smart gate solution that improves the efficiency at inspection entry and exit points. Gates would often see a lot of congestions and there were many manual tasks. With contactless supervision, inspections are faster and more collaborative; plus, drivers don't need to leave their trucks for clearance.

In 2019, Thailand Customs adopted a powerful and scalable smart Customs control solution, made up of advanced technologies and a networking platform, in order to renovate and modernize its inbound traveller controls at aviation gateways, including Suvarnabhumi international and other airports.

The smart Customs control solution enables 100% scanning of inbound travellers at Suvarnabhumi airport without causing any inconvenience to their journey, and sometimes even goes unnoticed by travellers.

In the face of increasing international trade activities, Customs authorities and other government authorities cannot control 100% of all crossborder transactions. The main challenge is the limited resources of the Customs authorities who must address the challenges in applying traditional customs control methods. On the other hand, along with the pressure of the international community to reduce the interference by the government in trade, customs authorities must innovate to achieve an appropriate balance between trade facilitation and strict control of import and export in accordance with the law. In this setting, the tools of risk management present the optimal solution. 

Once a dream, home automation using iot is slowly but steadily becoming a part of daily lives around the world. In fact, it is believed that the global market for smart home automation will reach $40 billion by 2020.

In his keynote speech to the World CustomsOrganization (WCO), Frontex Executive Director Fabrice Leggeri spoke about the essentialrole of customs authorities for the internal security of the European Union andbeyond, and stressed that increasing travel flows will require even closercooperation between the two organisations in future.

Frontex is already cooperating with customs ina number of fields, for example in the area of coast guard functions, jointoperational activities, and training. There are also joint controls at someborders to facilitate cross-border cooperation, information sharing, andintelligence, for a more efficient risk analysis.

The WCO and Frontex have been collaboratingsince 2014. The two organisations plan to further strengthen their cooperationin the future by signing a working arrangement, helping the border guard andcustoms community to combat cross-border crime more effectively.

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Second, I mustthank Senator Cassidy for his leadership on the issue of customsmodernization. He spends a lot of time thinking about how to ensure ourcustoms laws are effectively enforced and how to better harness data to thateffect. We all look forward to hearing his insights as we consider thisissue further. Modernizing U.S. customs laws is fast becoming of criticalimportance.

The lastcomprehensive update to our customs laws occurred exactly thirty yearsago. A smart reform, now, will not only allow us to seize newopportunities, but also to confront the rise of opportunists. Opportunityis out there, right now, waiting for the law to catch up with it.

For example, you order goods from a supplier in the United Kingdom, which you ship via France to your customs warehouse in Belgium. You then sell part of the goods to your end customer in Germany. You use smart declaring, so you send the relevant data to Customs Support. Customs Support then uses smart declaring to arrange the export of the goods with British Customs. We then arrange the documents needed to transport the goods from the port of entry in France to your warehouse in Belgium. Finally, we arrange the import of the goods shipped to your customer in Germany once the truck collects the goods at your warehouse. This can all happen without any intervention from your side.

Manual data entry is time-consuming, and there is a higher risk for unintended errors. Errors in your data can lead to delays at borders, so it is crucial to minimise these. Digitising data transfer to your customs broker saves time for you and us. Your people can spend their time on value-adding activities instead of manually copying data or data files from one place to another.

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