Smart Choices Texas has a mission to transform the lives of our most vulnerable population; children, older adults, Veterans, and people with disabilities. We work to banish poverty and nourish underserved communities through food relief, education, street outreach for homeless youth, domestic disaster relief, and small business development. Cultivating a path of smarter, healthier, stronger, abundant communities.

The vision is to foster good health, good nutrition, positive energy, human dignity, and the opportunity for individuals to meet their full potential. Breaking destructive generational cycles developing prosperous families. Thus fueling the future by empowering people with knowledge, tools, and the resources they need to elevate.

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to families & individuals in times of need.Fight Food Insecurity & HungerSTEM Education for StudentsStreet Outreach for Homeless YouthMental Health Counseling & Youth MentoringDomestic Disaster RecoveryAcademic Tutoring &College PrepMental Health Counseling & Youth MentoringVeteran ServicesAcademic Tutoring &College Prepour servicesget helpOur Core Values.

Poverty transcends age, race, religion, and even education. We see and serve people of all ages and walks of life. There are countless situations and circumstances that might bring a person to the point of needing to seek assistance.

The impact of the COVID-19 crisis threatens children living in poverty in an unprecedented way. Your gift supports our efforts to keep children safe, healthy, and educated in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. Our neighbors are suffering right under our noses. The need for our food pantry services has tripled.

Food insecurity is linked to nutrient deficiencies in children. Poor nutrition leads to developmental problems & mental-health disorders in children. Causing poor academic performance and behavior problems. There is evidence that it also contributes to obesity and its subsequent health problems, particularly among women.

As seniors become more food insecure, they also become more likely to develop illnesses and diseases that can shorten their lives. Many survive on fast food, frozen dinners, and even cat food. We MUST change this NOW!

We operate after-school programs in Title I elementary schools. The children are referred to the program by principals, teachers, and counselors based on their struggles in school or at home. Juvenile crime peaks after school when more than 11 million youth are alone and unsupervised. By building a strong foundation of skills in elementary school, we are setting them up to succeed in school, stay in school, and thrive in life.

We intentionally create a healing environment in small and big ways. We sit on the floor in groups, practice transcendental meditation, play music, dance, sing and have special handshakes. We promote good decision-making and uniqueness. We listen and pay attention to our students. Allowing them to fully express themselves openly often is the catalyst for a change in behavior.

Your donation makes a difference in the lives of so many people who look like everyday people. Our family, our friends, our neighbors & even co-workers may be suffering in silence. They may not tell you but they tell us.

The Smart Choices wellness program is designed to support the Texas Tech campus in its efforts to maintain healthy dining choices and to enhance the college experience. Hospitality Services is working hard to make healthy eating easier for everyone on campus. Aside from providing healthier alternatives and labeling Grab-n-go choices with the new Smart Choices sticker, we provide campus with educational information covering a wide variety of nutrition-related topics.

Through the Smart Choices website you can find nutrition facts for all Hospitality Services locations on campus, as well as tips, tools, and nutrition calculators to support your dining needs and much more!

All over campus, students have access to healthy choices and snacks to complement their balanced lifestyles. The Smart Choices Program works to provide healthier alternatives to everyday food choices, and provide students with necessary information to make smarter, healthier choices on-campus. Look for the Smart Choices label all across campus to identify healthy options that are lower in fat and packed with nutrients.

Yes, a double major in Electrical Engineering (EE) and Computer Engineering (CE) is a smart choice for students who are interested in both fields and want to gain a diverse set of skills and knowledge. Both EE and CE have a lot of overlap and complement each other, making a double major a valuable asset in the job market.

Pursuing a double major in EE and CE allows students to gain a deeper understanding of both fields and the ability to apply concepts from one field to the other. It also opens up a wider range of job opportunities in industries such as telecommunications, robotics, and software development.

Yes, pursuing a double major in EE and CE can be more challenging than a single major as it requires taking a larger course load and balancing coursework from two different fields. However, with proper time management and dedication, it is a feasible option for students who are passionate about both fields.

It is possible to complete a double major in EE and CE in four years, but it may require careful planning and taking summer courses. It is recommended to consult with an academic advisor to create a feasible plan and ensure timely completion of both majors.

Yes, a double major in EE and CE can provide a competitive advantage in the job market as it showcases a diverse skill set and a strong foundation in both fields. Employers value candidates with a broad range of knowledge and abilities, making a double major a valuable asset in today's competitive job market.

The Online Executive MBA program offered by the E. Philip Saunders College of Business was awarded the No. 15 position. The ranking was designed as a tool to help prospective business students make a smart choice about where to invest their time and money in earning their MBA.

The Saunders College was ranked among other listed universities such as Washington State University, University of Florida, Indiana University, The George Washington University, Drexel University and Northeastern University.

According to SuperScholar, a trusted source for online education, MBA programs were selected and ranked according to their market reputation, recognition and awards, selectivity, accreditation and cost. Only AACSB and regionally accredited programs were considered.

John Moore has spent the last quarter century-plus overseeing the construction of world-class buildings and creating workplace environments that empower people. Come the end of June, he wants to build in more quality time with family and friends.

Deciding to attend Naugatuck Valley Community College is the smart choice. Learn in technologically advanced classrooms amid beautiful, safe surroundings. Choose from more than 100 accredited programs leading to associate degrees or professional certification, or more than 120 non-credit courses to sharpen your professional proficiency, develop a talent or improve your employable skills.

Start your college career here and transfer to a four-year college or university after earning your associate degree. NVCC currently has transfer partnerships with the Connecticut State Universities, University of New Haven and more, which means qualified credits you earn at our College will transfer to your four-year degree!

Our Danbury Campus offers an opportunity for students to study and access most College services closer to home. The newly expanded 20,000-square-foot facility features lab science courses, along with an expanded selection of other credit and non-credit offerings.

Meet new people and discover different and exciting dimensions of life. College is about expanding your universe! Choose from more than 40 clubs and organizations, including professional and honor societies, and find yourself surrounded by people who share your interests and dreams.

The new Center for Health Sciences looks and feels great. There are a lot of new student areas with bigger spaces for us to get work done and socialize with class mates. The new simulation labs are amazing. The nursing professors at NVCC are not only wonderful at teaching but they are also experts at what they do. They are always open to help you in any way possible and having them talk to the class about their experiences in the field helps us to learn through their hands-on wisdom.

Thereare so many clubs and activities at NVCC. I have been involved with the studentnewspaper, student government, Phi Theta Kappa, and the President's Circle; Ibecame a student worker before graduating to become an educationalassistant.The opportunities I received outside of the classroom have been justas beneficial as my classes. My professors took the time to understand my goalsand recommended activities that would ultimately help me attain them. Iencourage everyone to get involved - you get so much out of being active here.

Now you can pay for college the smart way with 3 great repayment options and competitive interest rates. This student loan is an ideal solution to help pay for college expenses not covered by scholarships and federal loans.

CCsmart is an anti-stigma advocacy campaign devoted to changing the conversation about the work of community colleges. The campaign promotes student-led advocacy for community colleges and provides robust and reliable information through its online communications hub

According to these studies, reducing community college stigma should be top of mind for community leaders, teachers, colleges, and counselors. At Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), we understand first-hand how pervasive community college stigma is. Earlier this year, we awarded the PTK Founders Medal for the best essay on the importance of a community college education. From more than 1,200 essays submitted by students across the nation, over 85% mentioned overcoming community college stigma as part of their college journey. 152ee80cbc

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