But Mr Sata instead accused the ruling MMD of hiding some ballot papers in Lusaka and that he knew the locations of the ballots and that PF would fight hard to ensure there was transparent in handling of ballot papers.

He alleged President Banda and his MMD administration have decided to purchase several motor vehicles for campaigns when the police service had fewer vehicles pointing at a police officer who was sited at the main entrance of the conference hall.

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whether we like or not PF is government after 20th September. You call sata uneducated but what have done you the educated. you have no shame. Leave the man alone we are voting for him because he has a heart for the poor. VIVA MWAMUKOLO

Sata in plot one, is like leaving your lovely wife who supports you and marrying a gay who beats you. Zambia can never go forward with Sata because he is uneducated, ignorant and has dictatorial tendencies like Idi Amin.


You are following a blind man. u might not know well who Sata is. He just about development within 90days. If asked how he would do this or where will resources come from? He could fail to explain or give no clear answer, as was in this article :d

I listened to the programe thru QFM -87.7 and i can confirm that Sata is a disgrace to his party and Zambia. The man lamentably failed to answer question and instead, he went on attcking MMD, RB and GK. Sata never said anthing sensible that PF would do in case they fromed gvt. So if you still dream that sata is normal, then kip on dreaming until 20th sept when the man will colapse with shock of losing elction for the 4th time.

I listened to to Sata on radio when I was driving to my farm. Oh my God, can somebody tell me this is the man we should entrust our lives with? I am sorry, Sata has gotten away with mediocrity for too long, he thrives on a mediocre support base that is just too ignorant about real issues. When Sata lies about anything, then it is true and they get excited.

We told you about this standard 4 man called SATA.. This is the man you were telling us that he was invited by OXFORD University. some of these is very bad to expose this man to further embarrassment. SATA knows who talk to kaponyas not to intellectuals. You have seen for yourselves.

you guys are the actaul Time wasters and Jokers, like it or Not Sata Commands Lusaka and Copperbelt, were their are people who are more intelligent than all of you guys blafing and barking! Get a life! even the newspaper you read??????? Times???????

this is the report by QFM- Sata promises to revist Mungomba Draft within 90 days if voted into power and Times of Zambia is Saying-Sata disappoints audience.I am not going to buy the times of Zambia article.Only Cadres will subscribe to such kind of trash.

Whose credentials are on those ballot papers that are hidden? Thats cheap Mr Sata! How did printers of the same papers Know who would contest the elections even when key players like your party and the upnd kept all in the dark till d-day? Cant believe you even have people defending you on this one.

I blame his public relations office bwana Mmeembe Fred for this rubbish.Fred should coach his boss prpoperly what an embrassment.I wonder whats happening to the POST SHINDA PEPA VUVUZELA sells!Sooner than later you will foldup bwana Fred.

Oops, the source of the story is a discredit media. This is all what I can say. How possible the reporter is all over the corners of the audience to get all those whispers, is he omnipresent like God? Try another propaganda Times of Zambia and save us from this shallowness of your reporting. You report to Dickson Jere.

Sata is a cheap liar,nominations were finalised last week and he says there are ballot papers in Lusaka so which presidential candidates are on those ballot paper.This old man is making me mad,what is he up to we have enjoyed peace all this time.

#62mambala, did you read the headline? You are either lost or highly embarrassed with the inability of Sata and twisting everything.

Please after 20 th sept, we do not want to here you talking of rigging your candidate is not a presidential materia. So be prepared to congratulate MMD not crying to the courts yet again.I can only hope you are now experienced losers.

#66 Punch Drunk Cobra, yes mate and as usual he promised to reduce the powers of the vice president in 90 days. The man wants the vice to be toothless so he can rule like he is doing with PF. I have never seen this type of ignorance in a presidential candidate since the time of chamachakomboka.

# 65, it makes a lot of sense to congratulate MMD for winning the elections but would certainly give up my citizenship if the tribal party UPND wins. I dont see myself being forced to drink chibwantu and mabisi under the UPND govt later on Tonga being forced on our children as an official language in schools. I will only be comfortable either PF or MMD wins not UPND, period.


LT has offloaded UPND cadres on the site to attack the incoming presidento Sata. It wont work, just like it never worked when for the great Kalusha Bwalya. One blog which I wont mention tried to sponsor and spread some lies about Sata but it never worked. It started with sickness and ended up with a joke of &45 million from an impoverished country Afghanistan. The blog has since given up, possibly still cooking up some other lies which it thinks Zambians will buy. However, when Zambians have decided, you cant stop them. VIVA pa bwato, mwamukolo.

I presume the complainants were MMD.

Having said that, Mr Sata is not on good ground here:

1. Ballot papers cannot be printed BEFORE candidates are known, so where are these ballot papers that MMD has hidden? Does MMD know before hand who the candidates will be?

2. You do not have to be a medical doctor to be a Minister of Health. Ministers are not technocrats, that is the job of the Perm secs and others. Ministry of Health has Directors who know what the Ministry needs and they advise the Minister accordingly.

3. Every time Mr Sata speaks, he smacks as one who has never been in government and if he has the only thing that he took up was space, just like Wynter in Law school.

PF needs Mrs Kaseba-Sata, not this joker.

Wina azalila. But it looks like Sata and his supporters are destined to cry again. or else why are they still looking for cause to illigitimise RBs candidature and that of MMD at every twist and turn.? Dont be supprised if the next law suit they take will be to restrain zambians from voting for RB

Punch Drunk Cobra, Just know that ni DONCHI KUBEBA period. The rest you need to find out on your own, we cant spoon feed you. Yours if you are MMD is chwe, chwe chwe chwe. We dont question you. UPND is Kumbele whatever it means in that shallow language and useless language.

But even Muvi TV confirmed that sata failed to explain how his government will solve our problems. The problem with most of us is that we worship our preffered candidates to the point that we choose to ignore the wrong they say and do.

It can take an intelligent nursery school going kid only minutes to classify Sata as rough Joker and an unpolished Comedian who frightens rather than put smiles on the faces of the audience. A primary school pupil with a Christian upbringing can best describe Mr.Sata as a demon possessed man.Whereas a sensible basic school pupil would describe him as a mad man.Now what has made it almost impossible for his followers to detect this trend in him?The answer is not far fetched,its very simple,they are also as mentally unstable as their leader.Abalya imbulu,balapalamana.

To be honest and sincere Sata is no Presidential material. He has risen all ranks based on Kaponya style. Its understood, when you re a cadre to mobilize Marketers. But the office is aspiring to is just too big for his conduct.

@Mambala is true example of the most useless blogger that has ever posted anything here. Sata and even RB have been there since the 60s, what will they bring to the table this time round when they are both expired and outlived their usefulness? Nothing, Zero, naught. Tpo expect Sata or his agemate RB to develop Zambia would be careless on the part of Zambians. We want new ideas and renewed vigor in fighting corruption, unemployment, wealth creation, medicines in hospitials, timely delivery of farm inputs, assured and credible market for farm produce, animal disease control, better education, number of schools and hospitals to match the increasing population, rehabiliatation of dams in rural Zambia, establishment of industries in all regions of Zambia, etc. HH has the answers, NOT SATAN

Bob, in your thinking which candidate can do that? Are you suggesting it is HH? oops, good try. He cant even organize his own party and how do you expect him to organize Zambia as complex as the country is? He needs fifty years of training, moreover he has stop using his tribe to plan his politics. Let your HH learn how to use his brains then we shall vote for him..He drinks too much chibwantu and mabisi.

What spell does MR. Sata have on his party members? How can the likes of Sylvia Masebo, for instance, put up with this man and his drivel? Does no one in his party oppose him? I refuse to believe that they all agree with his empty utterances.

This time is not about manifesto but about changing the government. i and my family are going to vote for SATA and not banda who never compained to be a president. Spoon feeding banda.viva sata viva, chwechwechwechweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

this good point Mr. Sata say that the MMD have ballot papers hidden away in Lusaka before all the candidates have filed their nomination papers? are you sure MMD will use these ballot without faces of candidate? this PF is full of comedian. Post do a good job on your man 152ee80cbc

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