All abstracts must contain original work that has not been published, in full, at the time of abstract submission.
Please download the abstract template and follow the format carefully. If the abstract template is not followed, revisions may be necessary.
Abstracts should contain the following information: introduction, research questions, methodology, results and conclusions. The abstracts will be reviewed by the conference scientific committee, who will decide on the relevance of the topic, presentation quality and adequacy to abstract submission requirements.
Abstracts must be submitted for consideration by February 17, 2025 via the registration form.
Abstracts must be between 200-250 words, with 5-8 keywords and 3-5 references.
Your submission should be in: English, French, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Ukrainian or Spanish.
Presentations will be presented during (parallel) on-site presentation sessions.
Authors will be given 20 minutes for their presentations that will be followed by a 5-minute discussion.
Each presentation should include an introduction, objectives/ research questions, methodology, results, conclusions and references.
You can use any slide template of your choice (.ppt or .pdf). However, make sure that the size of the font used and colours are suitable (N.B. small fonts are difficult to read).
Posters will be presented during a poster session on-site.
Poster size is 594 mm x 420 mm (A2 format). The layout is horizontal.
Poster must include the following:
Title of the presentation, authors’ names and surnames, affiliation (in the middle/center of a line). All the titles have to be large enough to be read from 4-5 meters or have ~40-50 font size depending on information quantity;
Introduction, methods, contents, conclusions, list of references, graphics and tables have to be legible from 2-3 meters or have be ~20-30 font size depending on information quantity. Tables and charts should be numbered and titles indicated.
Use Times New Roman font and single line spacing for the body text.
Text is read from left to right.
You can use any A2 template of your choice (e.g. found on the Internet).
Authors of all presentations are invited to submit a full (unpublished, original) article to the journal SUSTAINABLE MULTILINGUALISM, indexed in SCOPUS. Manuscripts are accepted all year round.