Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy for Praktica Assist

This privacy policy governs your use of the software application SLR Assist ("Application") for mobile devices. The Application is designed as a light meter tool specifically for enthusiasts and users of vintage SLR cameras, with a focus on Praktica cameras. It helps users calculate and recommend aperture or shutter speed settings based on user input of their ISO, shutter speed, or aperture, depending on the selected mode. This tool is aimed at enhancing the photography experience by providing exposure setting recommendations to achieve the desired photographic results. 

Information Collection and Use

The Application does not collect any personal data from users. It utilizes @AppStorage to store user-selected ISO values locally on the device. This data is solely used to facilitate the functionality of the Application and is not accessible by the Application developers or any third parties.

Data Stored by Apple

In implementing StoreKit2 for in-app purchases such as paid subscriptions, it's important to note that while the Application itself does not collect, access, or store any personal or payment information, Apple may collect and store information necessary for payment processing and subscription management. We encourage users to review Apple's privacy policy for further details on how Apple handles data related to StoreKit2 and in-app purchases.

User Consent

By using SLR Assist, you consent to the terms outlined in this privacy policy. 

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

This privacy policy is effective as of 28th Feb 2024.