
Bear Safety Tool

The Ghanti Kathi serves as a non-lethal protective tool against wild animals. It generates sound through a system of three bells arranged on a semi-circular surface. Designed strategically, these bells produce a deterrent sound that helps keep animals at a distance. Additionally, the Ghanti Kathi features blunt spikes, providing a means to ward off animals if they approach too closely. This dual functionality, combining auditory deterrence and a physical deterrent with blunt spikes, ensures a practical and humane way to safeguard oneself from potential wildlife encounters.

Sloth bear Safety Mime

Mime is highlighting the essential do's and don'ts when venturing into the sloth bear landscape and encountering these magnificent creatures unexpectedly. Our volunteers have portrayed these scenarios to emphasize the importance of responsible behavior in the presence of sloth bears.

WCB Research Foundation has started the “stay home challenge in Lockdown- Story writing competition on Sloth Bear”, in April 2020 and received 32 stories in Hindi, Gujarati and English language from different regions of the World.  Out of all the stories received, The Best story award was given to the story written by Ms Sakshi Kailash Wagh, Buldhana District, Maharashtra. As a part of our conservation and outreach programme, we used this story to produce an animation film to reach out to the world especially the school children.  

With all the hard work put in by the team members and the people who were kind enough to participate in this Internation Bear Day celebration. We prepared an integrated short video reflecting a unity to Conserve all the bears of the world. 

Sloth Bear Documentary

Video messages