Human-Sloth bear Conflicts 

Conflict map of the Human-sloth bear in central Gujarat

Human-Sloth bear conflict Analysis

Human-sloth bear conflicts are evaluated and assessed through secondary information to understand the patterns and trend of conflicts across the sloth bear landscape.

Sloth bear attacks on different age class of people

Sloth bear attacks during different season of the year 

Sloth bear attacks at different locations in the study area

Interviews of Victims 

Our team is actively engaging with the local people and the victims of sloth bear attacks. We visit and interview with victim to understand the sloth bear attack situation and locals to gain the first-hand knowledge. This will help us to understand the perception of people about sloth bears and formulating conflict mitigation strategies using local knowledge.

Economic assessment of Human -Sloth bear conflicts

Assessing the social as well as economic impacts of sloth bear attack is very important in formulating mitigation strategies. These attacks can have direct and indirect consequences for local economies. Direct costs include medical expenses for the victims, which can strain households that may not have access to comprehensive healthcare.Moreover, the loss of agriculture due to sloth bear can harm the livelihood of rural communities dependent on agriculture and animal husbandry. Indirectly, the fear of bear attack can deter tourism, which is a vital source of revenue generation. Therefore, addressing the economic impact of sloth bear attacks involves not only mitigating human-wildlife conflicts but also finding sustainable solutions that safeguard both wildlife and the livelihoods of local communities.