Conservation Actions

WCB Research Foundation launched a conservation action project. This project includes several conservation actions such as creating water accumulation structures, designing and distributing tools to deter sloth bears, clean-up of sloth bear habitats and plantation of fruiting trees in the degraded sloth bears areas.

Creation of water accumulation structures

We are using hydrological modelling to identify the water accumulation points and constructing a water accumulation structures so that the rain water can retain there for longer period of time and sloth bears and other wildlife can have the source of water even during the dry seasons. Scarcity of water is one of the important causes that sloth bear moves into villages and farms in search of water in summer and that increases the chances of sloth bear attacks on people. The availability of water through such structure can also prove effective in reducing human-sloth bear conflict issues.

"Ghanti Kathi": A bear deterrent stick 

A bear deterrent stick, “Ghanti Kathi” developed by us using the traditional knowledge serves as a non-lethal protective tool against wild animals like sloth bears and leopards. This tool generates sound while carrying it and walking and the blunt spikes on the tool helps to ward off animals, if they approach too closely. This dual functionality, combining auditory deterrence and a physical deterrent with blunt spikes, ensures a practical and humane way to safeguard oneself from potential wildlife encounters. The operation and use of this device is demonstrated here

Sloth bear Habitat Cleaning 

The habitat cleaning drive by WCB Research Foundation in collaboration with Gujarat Forest Department is under the planning phase, stay tuned with us to join this campaign.