Random Thoughts

Welcome to my random thoughts friends! 

Here is where I will be talking about my intrusive thoughts that take up way too much time in my day!

5/21/2023 - Marvel Movies

 I have been watching all of the marvel movies in the order they were released in theaters. I started with the first Iron Man and have made it all the way to Endgame. There may be some spoilers here if you have not already seen the movies. Full disclosure, I have cried during every single movie so far except for the first two Ant Man movies and the first Dr. Strange movie. 

I'm a little upset about nobody warning me about how much I would like Thanos. I knew Iron Man dies and I knew they reversed what happened in infinity war but nobody told me how likeable Thanos would be. He's just in his kitchen cooking like a normal human at the beginning of endgame and he seems so reasonable and likeable there and gives off major "daddy" vibes. It got me thinking, is Thanos really a bad guy?  I mean he did wipe out half the universe's population but it was for reasons that made sense if you think about it. Don't try to tell me you have never thought of how much more fun something would be or how much better your life/the world would be if half the population was gone. This hasn't been as much of an issue since covid but imagine driving to work with half the amount of cars or going to Universal or Disney World and having to wait in lines that are only half as long?!?! 

He did also treat both of his daughters like trash and made them compete against each other for as long as they knew each other. The green girl (Gamoura?) was stolen from her home planet, Thanos killed her mom, and he did eventually shove her into that pit so he could get the soul stone but hey, it was for the greater good right? BUT...he made a lot of sense when he was talking about there not being enough resources to go around for everyone and the universe being overpopulated. It would be cool if there was enough food and clean water to go around or if people wouldn't hoard it. Food security is a huge problems in some parts of our country and in some parts of the world. I think he meant well but he just took it to an extreme that turned him into a villian.

5/22/2023 - Vegan

My grandparents raised beef cattle and I have two uncles that raised dairy cattle. So meat and dairy was always a huge part of my life. I still eat meat and drink dairy but as someone who is growing more sensitive to lactose in my "old" age of 29  I'm trying to cut back. One of my favorite things I've ever drank is still milk straight from the cow at my Uncle Steve's farm.  I have been both trying to not eat out every day for lunch but also trying to eat healthier in general. I have been making vegan lunches to bring to work. I fully understand how people can be vegan. It would be harder to eat out or participate in the food trucks at work if I were a real vegan, you kind of need to cook. But the recipies are so easy and you don't have to worry about undercooking anything and getting salmonella or food poisoning. Its great and I feel great after I eat at work. There is no more "2 PM slump" and my skin is a lot healthier.  I wish I would have started doing this a long time ago.

5/23/2023 - Best Buy

I work for a retail distributor/brand rep firm and we shipped displays and product to 250 Best Buy locations. Nobody decided to tell accounting we were doing this and to make sure we had an EDI connection set up between our system and SPS to be able to bulk process these or upload them. It was a surprise to me when I go to invoice orders that have shipped and there were 250 orders for one customer. This is not a quick thing to do. It takes a few minutes to do one invoice. There were 250 of them. I had to manually enter these both in our system and in SPS to send to Best Buy before the orders delivered and we got chargebacks for not sending an advance ship notice. It took roughly 15 hours spanned across 3 days for me to finish and I still had to keep up on my other things. It was fine though we got through it and all of the invoices sucessfully made it to Best Buy at the right pricing. 

5/29/2023 - County Child Support

So my ex pays child support for our kids and we have income withholding set up with the county where the county garnishes his paycheck and deposits the money into my bank account. I realized just today that the state has been taking too much from him to pay me for the past two months. Not by a small amount either but by about $5,000 per year if they keep doing this bi-weekly when he gets paid. That's a rough estimate because the county takes 2% from me to provide the service. How did this happen? We sent them a copy of the court ordered child support amount and the calculation along with two different forms stating what was to be garnished from him. Did they accidentally switch my forms with someone elses? Anyway I'm going to have to deal with this before I end up owing him $20k a few years down the line and have to pay him back. So that will be fun and will probably take until the end of the year to get all sorted out. Did they include the extra-curricular activities costs? Those fluctuate and the social worker told me those wouldn't be taken by income withholding. Right now I'm happy  they are overcollecting and not undercollecting but I'm a little worried about what's going to happen to me if he figures out he's being garnished too much and comes after me for it. I mean it's all legal drama at that point and I would just have to pay him back I'm sure but still. Court is a lot of work and is very time consuming.