Thank you for partnering with us to restore the Slingerland Family Burial Vault! Our project relies entirely on your support, so you play an important role in preserving this historical site. You will always have visibility into our fund raising effort on this page.
Updated 1/26/2025
Our Budget: $154,251
Total Raised: $122,015
$82,125 Cash Donations
$24,674 Donated Goods & Services
$11,004 Fundraisers
$4,525 Grants
$-313 Net Misc. Income / Expenses
Left to Raise: $32,955
2020 donation from Stewart's Shops
On November 20, 2020 we received a $2,000 donation from Stewart's Shops! This donation is very much appreciated as we work toward installation of a door. Thank you Stewart's Shops!
Additional supporters:
Kathleen Bragle donated $100 in memory of George W. Bragle
Susan Leath donated $1,000 in memory of Pauline E. Hardy
The Slingerland Foundation donated $10,000
Michael and Anna Dris donated $200
Joe and Mary Ellen Grimaldi in memory of Martha Youman
The Bethlehem Garden Club donated $1,000 in honor of Evonne Lutkus and Virginia Acquario
Frank and Susan Virgilio donated $5,000 in memory of Harmon V. and Catherine Slingerland
Joan Roy donated $2,000 in memory of Ralph B., Josephine, Harmon J., Laura S. and Albert R. Slingerland
Bethlehem Historical Association donated $1,000
Irene Dris donated $100
Michael and Suzanne Mason
Ilona and Len Muhlich
Robert O. Barberi in memory of Obed Finch Slingerland (1919-1945)
Neil Brown and Carol Turner
Lewis and Jean Hecht
Joe Duva
Donald Slingerland in honor of Slingerland Family Reunion Group
Mulligan Family
Jayne Slingerland Brown donated $25 in memory of grandfather John Albert Slingerland
Susan M. Haswell
Raymond Slingerland in memory of Robert David Slingerland
Ellie Prakken and John Simolinksy donated $300 in memory of Craig Jones
Robert and Jacqueline White donated $50 in memory of Howard and Melissa Slingerland, grandparents
Stephen Fryer donated $100
Anonymous donation of $100
Monty Slingerland donated in memory of Charles Melburn Slingerland, father
Gayle Miller donated $100 in memory of Charles Melborne Slingerland
The Descendants of Elmer & Effie Slingerland donated $165
Jean Mullens Walsh donated in memory of grandmother Mary Slingerland Mullens
Robert and Beverly Hoffman in memory of Howard and Katherine Slingerland
Robert and Beverly Hoffman in memory of Gerald Slingerland, who died in the Vietnam War 1967
Kenneth H. Chase in memory of Beverly Huntington Seaman Chase (Mother)
Mary Ann Randall donated $250 in memory of Mary Shear Brennan (mother) and her grandmother Susie Slingerland (b. 1865)
Donald and Ann Eberle
Jason Virgilio in honor of Sue Virgilio's birthday
Albert and Uyen Slingerland donated $100
Kaitlin Slingerland donated $65
Joan Slingerland Roy donated $200
Ana and Frank Webb
Todd Slingerland donated $250
Garden Bistro 24 Fundraiser $457
Richard Charles Slingerland in memory of Charles W. Slingerland, grandfather
Ron Slingerland in memory of Clara F. Hinkley "Slingerland"
John Dupier donated $25
Delmar Reformed Church in memory of 1848 deacon William H. Slingerland
Dianne Ammerman
Erin O'Neill and George Williams
Anonymous donation of $75
Jean Walsh donated $25 in memory of Mary Slingerland Mullens
Anonymous donation of $25
Joe & Melody Brennan
Rosemary and Gary Kochem donated $2,500
Roy Youman donated in memory of John W. Latcher of Oneonta, NY
William Reinhardt
Anonymous donation of $100
Gail Gordon and Bill McCale donated $200 in memory of Joseph McCale
Anonymous donation of $50
Bob Mullens donated $200 in memory of Alice and James Slingerland
Anonymous donation of $25
Frank and Susan Virgilio donated $2,525 to match the Albany County Legislative Grant
Joan Slingerland Roy donated $500
A Visit with Slingerlands' Founding Family Fundraiser June 2019 $1,115
Schenectada DAR
John & Sally Suderley Ten Eyck donated in memory of Helen Slingerland Suderley
Kenneth H. Chase donated $5,000
A Visit with Slingerlands' Founding Family Fundraiser October 2019 $1,405
Susan & John Leath donated $1,000
Bob Mulligan and the Second Milers donated $50
Ruth Bickel donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Art and Kathy Blanchard donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Jim and Ronnie Blendell donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Lynne Lenhardt donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Anonymous donation of $25
Marjorie MacDonald and Family donated in memory of Evonne Bennett Lutkus
Anonymous donation of $25 in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Georgia Fishburn donated $250 in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Kathleen Bragle and Family donated $150 in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Suzanne Hajeck donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
William Fuller donated in memory of Evonne Lutkus
Anonymous donation of $20 in memory of Evonne Lutkus
McSharry and Associates Realty
Anonymous donation of $150
Anonymous donation of $1,000
Anonymous donation of $10
Anonymous donation of $100
Anonymous donation of $41
Elaine VanDeCarr
Bill Ketzer donated $100
Anonymous donation of $100
Anonymous donation of $50
Anonymous donation of $200
Georgia Fishburn donated $1,500 in memory of Hariklia Kyzirdou
Susan & John Leath donated $1,000 in memory of Polly Hardy
Anonymous donation of $100
Joan Roy donated $200
The Slingerland Foundation donated $10,000
Jay and Jacqueline Watsky
Kathleen Bragle donated $200 in memory of George W. Bragle
Anonymous donation of $25
Anonymous donation of $200
Anonymous donation of $30
Suzanne Mason
Anonymous donation of $100
Charlene Gill & John Gill donated in memory of Laura (Slingerland) Manning
Leonard & Ilona Muhlich
Monty & Helen Slingerland donated in memory of Martha Slingerland
Mohawk Chapter DAR donated $50
Paul & Barbara Loucks donated $500 in memory of John S. Loucks, III
Kenneth H. Chase donated $1,000
Joan Roy donated $200
Anonymous donation of $50
Anonymous donation of $25
Anonymous donation of $200
Anonymous donation of $25 in honor of Delmar "Del" Slingerland of Wellsville, NY
Anonymous donation of $20
Amy Ludik & Chuck Furman
Judith Himber donated in memory of Martha Youman (Slingerland descendant)
John Slingerland Loucks IV donated $5,500
Anonymous donation of $100 in loving memory of Ilona Muhlich
Joseph J. Hart, DMD
Anonymous donation of $200
Georgia Fishburn donated $800 in memory of Earl Brewer
Joseph and Mary Ellen Grimaldi donated in memory of John W. Latcher & Edna Smith
Linda Delfs
Kathleen C. Klee donated $25 in honor of Susan Leath
Anonymous donation of $200
Roberta and Steve Sandler
Anonymous donation of $1,000
Robert Mattox donated $100 in memory of Pattra Mattox
Mary Ann Denninger in honor of The Fishburn Family
Anonymous donation of $100
Georgia Fishburn donated $500 in memory of Ilona M. Muhlich
Anonymous donation of $50
Lewis and Jean Hecht donated $50
Susan and John Leath donated $1,000 in memory of Polly Hardy
Anonymous donation of $25
Anonymous donation of $100 in memory of Jack & Doris Clark and Bill Morrison
Len Muhlich donated $200 in memory of Ilona Muhlich
Anonymous donation of $100
Anonymous donation of $100
Anonymous donation of $1,000
McSharry & Associates Realty
Anonymous donation of $50
Roy Youman donated $100
Charmaine Wijeyesingh Christian Lietzau
Jean Mullens Walsh
Anonymous donation of $500
Donald Slingerland donated $100 in memory of Slingerland family
Anonymous donation of $75 in honor of Georgia Fishburn
Haroula and Brad Reitz donated $100
John F. Pratt donated in memory of Robert Lambert
Ellie Prakken and John Simolinsky donated $50
David and Susan Plank donated in honor of Delmar "Del" Slingerlands, Wellsville, NY
Julie Miller donated $1,000 in honor of Kent and Joanne Miller
Anonymous donation of $100
Janet Gallas donated $100
The Deer Family
Scott & Efy Asher donated $50
Anonymous donation of $50
Marcia Bachelor donated in memory of Delmar Slingerland
Joan Roy donated $1,000
Frank and Susan Virgilio donated $1,000
Anonymous donation of $25
Bob Mattox donated in memory of Virginia Mattox
Anonymous donation of $100