Slight Ephemeral Breezes

Humble thoughts found in text

The site is under temporal works

In our times saturated of information and varieties of solaces satisfying the consciousness, as well as the subconsciousness, of thousands and thousands of individuals, I leave here some little texts, free poetry, a bit of fiction and essay.

I suppose it could be said they are tinted with a bit of postmodernism, and a little of a metaphysical hue in some cases … . 

I will upload more texts at some point.

 Also in:

This site appears divided in two general sections: English and Spanish. Some texts appear in each language, but also there are some texts in only one. 

Este sitio esta dividido en dos secciones principales: inglés y español. Algunos textos aparecen en ambos idiomas, pero también hay algunos textos unicamente en uno.