Welcome to SLHS Young Democrats!

Club Overview:

We are the South Lakes Young Democrats Club, an official chapter of The Virginia Young Democrats.

If you’re interested in politics, volunteer work and making a difference in our community and country, then we’re the club for you! We’re focused on discussing and tackling social justice issues as well creating discussion around current events and elections.

We invite guest speakers, provide volunteer opportunities and promote political discussions with local action groups.

Each meeting, we brief members on current events before discussing respective subjects together or having a productive discourse about the variety of ideologies within the Democratic Party. Young Democrats is for students who are interested in learning about politics, civic engagement, and activism. We center our meetings around pressing or interesting issues and provide opportunities to make a difference!

Meeting Schedule:

When: Biweekly on Wednesdays from 3pm-3:30pm (may run longer if we have guest speakers)

Where: Room 221, Ms. Baumann's room.

Next Meeting Date: September 8th 2021

Leadership Team 2021-2022:

Co-Presidents: Maddie Bobko (madelynbobko@gmail.com) and Heidi Yu (yuheidi9@gmail.com)

Treasurer: Cady Yu (hcytwins@gmail.com)

Social Media Coordinator: Ghazal Tanavade (ghazal.tanavade@gmail.com)

*Contact our club email slhsyoungdemocrats@gmail.com if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions!*

Stay Connected:

Instagram: @slhsyoungdemocrats

Remind: text "@slhsyo" to 81010

Mailing List: email slhsyoungdemocrats@gmail.com, email an officer, or DM the Instagram account above for your personal email to be added.