Slender: The Eight Pages is set in the middle of a forest during the night and is played from a first person perspective. The player's objective is to collect eight pages located in various areas of the forest while avoiding the Slender Man, a faceless humanoid entity resembling a tuxedo mannequin with tentacle like appendages sprouting from its back which appear when the player collects the fourth page. Slender Man will also teleport itself at will, even when being observed by the player. The player is equipped with only a flashlight to see through the dark; it has limited battery life and will eventually shut down permanently if left on for an extended period of time. The player character has the ability to jog, which will tire out the player if done for too long. Slender Man occasionally appears in the player's field of vision. When he does, and is visible on screen, sanity will start to decrease, the speed of which depends on the distance to him and whether the light is on. A disturbing and shocking sting is played if the Slender Man appears on screen suddenly and close to the player. This also results in the ability to sprint for a short period of time. Sprinting allows the player to move faster than jogging, but doing so will decrease the maximum stamina available for jogging and sprinting. A game over occurs when either the sanity drops below a certain point (measured inversely by the intensity of the static and the volume of the noise)

the player sees Slender Man a song called "20 Dollars" by American rap artist Ron Browz starts playing. This is a reference to a fan originated meme about Slender Man, stating that if you give Slender Man 20 dollars, he'll leave you alone. This is the only version in which the player selects these modes in the "Options" portion of the menu screen, and this is also the only version in which two hidden modes can be played at once ("Daytime Mode" and "$20 Mode"). However, the "$20 Mode" was removed in version 0.9.7 due to a copyright issue. From version 0.9.5 on successfully completing the game for the first time in an earlier version unlocks "MH Mode". This mode starts off and ends like an "Entry" from the web series Marble Hornets, which is based on the Slender Man mythos. This mode also suggests that the round of gameplay is actually a prerecorded video. There is static on the top and bottom of the screen, and the different types of music that play as the player collects more and more pages do not play. If the player beats the game for the first time in this version (without having beaten it in an earlier version first) they not only unlock "MH Mode", but unlock "Daytime Mode" as well. Beating both of these modes will then unlock "$20 Mode". From version 0.9.7 on there is ambience during the menu screen, as well as portions of the eight pages being shown. There are now links to the Slender Man mythos forums and some popular web series based on the mythos such as Marble Hornets. As of this version, the game was officially renamed Slender: The Eight Pages. "$20 Mode" has been removed due to the copyrighted material. "MH Mode" has been renamed to "Marble Hornets Mode" (simply the unabbreviated version of the title). Two new light sources are available: a glow stick with infinite light but a very short range, and a crank lantern with a wide range but short amount of light which must be replenished by cranking the lantern. The player can now pause the game by pressing escape, but only when there is no static on the screen as to not allow the player to quit in response to being frightened.

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You will begin this part at a random location slightly outside the park. Nearby will be a small shack, investigate the front and sides of the building for Collectibles #5 - A sign that shows 3 canoes available for rent, #6 - A pamphlet about the park, and #7 - A list of rules of the park. Continue in to the park to find 8 pages left by Kate. These pages will be stuck to 8 of 10 distinct landmarks. While searching for the pages, the entity known as Slenderman will begin to make his appearance. It is possible you will 'sense' him long before you see him. Signs that Slenderman is near include audio distortions, video anomalies, loud unexplainable noises, heavy breathing or whimpering from the character, and slight musical cues. And of course, there is the sighting of Slenderman himself.

The most important thing to note in this area is that while the park layout appears the same, the starting locations and landmarks - and which locations have one of the eight pages are completey random.

Because of the random factor, a traditional walkthrough is useless. The best chance a player can have to navigate this area and make it out with the 8 pages, is remain calm, and visualize a map as best as possible. The left side of the map contains the waters edge, while the right side has the tall grass. The middle always contains the rocky quarry with 3 exits.

Because Slender: The Arrival relies heavily on scare tactics, the area becomes increasingly difficult to navigate with the constant threat of running into Slenderman, and rushing headlong into the woods to escape him. The only remedy is to try to keep a level head, and seldom divert from the trails. Always remember where landmarks are in relation to each other, and remember which landmarks you have visited, and if they had one of the 8 pages. There are 10 landmarks - and most of them can appear in any region of the map. The two largest landmarks - The Visitor Center and the Storage Yard, will often be located on either side of the Quarry. The 10 locations are as follows

Once you have found all 8 pages, there will be a lul until the Slenderman appears behind you, causing Lauren to sprint uncontrollably - in different locations between bouts of static, before finally cutting to black, thus ending the level.

The myth of Slender started quite simply as a rumor and has also been popularized as an internet meme. The story is that Slender Man is a mythical creature often depicted as a tall, thin figure wearing a black suit and a blank face. According to legend, he can stretch or shorten his arms at will and has tentacle-like appendages on his back. Slender Man can cause memory loss, insomnia, paranoia, coughing fits (nicknamed "slendersickness"), photographic and video distortions and can teleport at will.

The controls to the game are simple:Mouse -- Look aroundW,A,S & D -- MoveLeft Shift -- SprintLeft Mouse Click -- Pick up pagesRight Mouse Click -- FlashlightQ & E -- Zoom in/outSlender does well in creating quite a creepy atmosphere for a very basic game. It feels like just you, your torch and the sound of crickets chirping as you fumble your way through the forest looking for manuscripts. However, the overall aim of collecting 8 pages of the manuscript is quite limited and so the gameplay is a bit limited.

 Added fog to the woods. Added an option to turn the tree render distance down and turn off the aforementioned fog, for those people who are getting framerate issues with either. Flashlight now swings over to point at a nearby page when close enough to pick it up (instead of the page highlighting). The 'level' of the game (which increases as each page is collected) will raise on its own if you take too long between collecting pages. It does not raise again when the pages are then collected, until it catches up to the effective level. The effective level still maxes out at 7. Added a new hidden mode that unlocks after winning the game. You now need to beat this mode as well in order to unlock the final hidden mode (it will need to be unlocked again for those who unlocked it in v0.9.4, but if you beat the game once in v0.9.4, the new mode will be unlocked as well). Fixed flashlight battery sometimes draining even when it is turned off (rare bug). Fixed a long-standing bug where the static zooms when zooming the camera.

Classic 8 Pages is a very old map and probably the oldest of all of the maps. It consists of many trees in the area and 10 landmarks, which consists of The House, The Oil Tanks, The Silo, The Trio of Rocks, The Crosswall, The Tunnel, The Wrecked Truck, The Trailer, The Caravan and The Dead Tree. These can spawn with a page on them and are all from the original Slender: The Eight Pages excluding the caravan which has replaced The Tool Shed from the original, The Pillars from the original are also not present but this makes up for 2 pages being able to spawn in the house. The Trailer is literally behind the caravan but a page can spawn on both of them which in total adds up to the same amount of landmarks as in the original. the map also has a huge chain fence to mark the edge of the map.

The objective of the game is for you to find eight notes ("pages") which are attached to various landmarks around the environment. You cannot interact with the environment in any other way; apart from the movement controls, the only controls available are to turn the flashlight on and off, pick up a page, and run. e24fc04721

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