Let's Save Water Together

Keep Your Lawn Healthy While Saving Water In Salt Lake City

From general watering ideas to sprinkler tricks to water conservation hacks, Salt Lake City Water Conservation has put together this detailed blog site to assist keep your yard green while keeping more green in your pocket too. Whether you water by hand or have a lawn sprinkler, utilize these suggestions to keep your lawn green and gorgeous all season long.

Water In The Morning

Water in the early morning! The finest time to water is in between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m. when the wind is low and the water doesn't evaporate so fast. It also assists knock the dew off the yard which aids in illness control. Water gradually. Our heavy clay soil just accepts.25 inches of water per hour so anything over that simply runs down the storm drain.

Let your zones run just long enough to deliver.25" of water and after that transfer to the next zone. Then start over and run through each once again about 1 hour apart. This will provide a deep soaking that is great for the roots. Water when needed! Soak the root zone and then let it dry.

Frequency Of Watering Your Lawn

As a guideline, it is much better to water deeply and infrequently than to water a little bit every day. Water a minimum of 1/2 to 3/4 inches of water throughout each watering session. Water slowly to prevent run-off. Water to a minimum soil depth of 4 inches (utilize a stake or screwdriver to evaluate depth).

Less water is required throughout the spring and fall and throughout cool weather. Light, frequent watering which causes shallow, weak root systems that are really vulnerable to dry spell and disease damage. Heavy, fast watering (high pressure) which can lead to unneeded overflow and soil erosion Extra Read: Soil Sensors are Taking the Uncertainty out of watering the yard. Following the above standards will encourage a healthy deep lawn root system that is more dry spell and disease resistant.

Today's water efficient sprinklers and nozzles are created to produce drops of water that are larger, wind resistant, prevent evaporation, and reduce the potential for overwatering. These systems also assist to increase water savings by 30 When an estimated 50% of landscape watering water usage is squandered, this is a particularly valuable upgrade for your home.

Micro-Irrigation In Salt Lake City

Micro irrigation consists of drip (likewise called trickle), micro spray jets, micro-sprinklers, or bubbler watering to water slowly and minimize evaporation, runoff and overspray. With drip watering, 90-100% of the water goes to the roots, which is where it is required. This efficient design of irrigation keeps water off your house too, which decreases wood rot, and permits you to water just where you desire.

Set up a rain shutoff switch. This inexpensive and reliable device is needed by law in numerous states. In truth, these money-saving sensing units switch off your system in rainy weather and assistance to compensate for natural rainfall. The device can be retrofitted to almost any system. Install climate or soil wetness sensor-based controllers.

We wanted to say thank you to everyone out there doing their part to help us save water. One of those people is Jody Jones. If you need a good commercial real estate agent in Salt Lake City then she is your gal. She is an amazing agent and she helps SLC Water Conservation Group stay alive.

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How Climate Change Effects Our Water Sources

Water distribution is a huge factor and effect of climate change. It’s not just local citizens that have to learn how to save water, it’s also businesses and farmers too. They have to plan around climate change and think if they really need to build this dam or plant this crop in this area. The warmer the air the more water the air holds which can cause extreme droughts with some heavy rains interspersed that could possibly lead to flooding. Greenhouse gases have increased heavily over the past few decades and are the best evidence we have despite recorded intense and extreme weather occurrences. These occurrences include Hurricane Harvey that happened in Texas in 2017, and Hurricane Florence in North Carolina in 2018. Greenhouse gases need to be reduced including generating electricity, any sort of transportation, manufacturing, etc. Another effect of climate change is how mountains can make the rivers flooded. Usually, when it snows, and the snow melts the water drips down into the river more slowly. But, if there are lots of heavy rains and no snow has fallen, the rivers will flood. Lastly, climate change heavily effects algal blooms that occur in water. When the water heats up, they become more toxic to other plant and sea life in the water.

How to Save Water as a Salt Lake City Citizen:

Water conservation in Salt Lake City is more important now than ever. One tip to save water in Salt Lake City is to limit the amount you use for showers, washing your hands (so no more than the FDA recommended amount to completely remove bad germs and bacteria), thawing out meat, etc. Another is to limit how much you use outside, like to water your plants. For this one, say your daughter is done with her water, but only drank half of it and is about to throw it away. Ask her to not throw it away and go water the plants with it instead. This way, it saves water from being unused and is recycled. Another tip would be to make sure that you don’t waste food, because food production uses a lot of water or eat on the lower side of the food chain. As Salt Lake City citizens, you could also try and save electricity. Because water is used to make electricity, using less electricity, helps water conservation. Lastly, to save water in Salt Lake City, try and only buy products that you know you will use and try to recycle more

We want to give a special shout out to Klingler & Associates for helping SLC Water Conservation share our important message.

Ways To Conserve Water

You need to learn about saving water in Salt Lake City if you are considering a water conservation plan that will protect the environment and help you live a cleaner lifestyle. There are many people who are thinking that water conservation will help them save the planet or keep the landscape in the Salt Lake City area beautiful. There are many people who would like to use these saving water plans as they begin to arrange their home for the future.

1. Begin

You must make a plan to save water that you have explained to your family or the staff in your office. All the people around you need to be sure that they know how you will execute the plan. The plan that you have should be started with everyone in the house or the office before you move forward.

2. Trap Rainwater

You can trap rainwater at any time using a special tank system. You need to be sure that you have found a tank that will help you feed the water back into the home’s system. You simply need to be sure that you have taken a look at what your options are so that you are not confused or left without a way to access this rainwater. Large buildings can use massive tanks, but small homes can use a little tank that you can hide not he roof. Doing this can really help conserve water in Utah.

3. No Flush

You can use a no flush toilet that is much easier on water usage, and these toilets will save tens of thousands of gallons of water a year on their own. You simply need to find one that works in your space.

4. No Running Water

You should turn the tap off when you are brushing your teeth or drying to clean dishes. You only lave the water on when you know that you will be using it right away. This is a very simple thing to do, but a lot of people will forget it.

5. Shorter Showers

You need to get a more efficient shower head and take shorter showers. This is not the time for you to run the water for long periods of time. You need to be sure that you have taken a shorter shower or even tried to figure out how you can reduce water usage by using a water basin.

6. More Efficient Appliances

You can get much more efficient appliances, and you will find that they use water much better because they are designed to only use a fraction of what they would normally use. In fact, most people who use these appliances will notice their water bills drop overnight because they are getting instant savings as soon as the appliances are installed.

7. Water Cooler

You could actually get a water cooler that will use water from the house to give you cups of water without ever needing to run the water in the system. This is the final step in a process that allows you to save a lot of water every year.

Saving water is such an important issue. We want to thank our many partners who help make SLC Water Conservation Group possible. Today we want to give a special shout out to Klingler & Associates. These guys really help us get our message out there along with offering the best small business accounting services in Utah.

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Dust Found to Hasten Melting of the Utah Snowpack

Much is known and has been reported about the global effects of climate change, but alterations in the environment at the micro level can have equally serious consequences, even when it comes to something as basic as the snow on the mountains around Salt Lake City. One study shows that the Utah snow is melting faster than it has in the past. The reduction in the snowpack, which is largely responsible for providing the Utah water supply, apparently comes down to the issue of dust.

New Information Mirrors Previous Study

Written by McKenzie Skiles, an assistant professor in the geography department at the University of Utah, the study seemed to mirror a 2010 investigation that showed how dust affected the flow of the Colorado River. The previous survey found that dust emanating from the Upper Colorado River Basin hastened the melting of snow by as much as two months. Skiles, who participated in the first study, was interested in learning whether the same phenomenon affected the Utah snow. Facts gathered in these two studies is further proof of the general reduction in the snowpack that has been observed throughout the American West.

The Effects of Dust on Snow

According to the previous study, dust that was rich in iron was shown to accelerate the melting process by absorbing more sunlight than plain snow and thus creating more heat. Although the dust found in Utah has a lighter hue and did not melt the snow as rapidly as the iron particles, Skiles found that the effect was similar. Further research revealed that most of the dust that settled onto the Utah snow came from the south. The increase in atmospheric dust was linked to a storm that blew across the Great Salt Lake Desert and to the continued drying of the Great Salt Lake, both of which are located in the vicinity of Salt Lake City. Wildfires that have plagued the western part of the country have also contributed to the increase of the material in the air. Dust isn't just something you can call a Salt Lake City landscaper about and they come take care of it. It can have lasting long term affects.

Changing Public Policy

The findings of the latest study could improve the manner by which snowpack is calculated and thus managed. The effects of the dust itself could reduce the average spring runoff and, in turn, the state's water supply. However, Skiles could not say for sure whether the situation could add to the drought that is already a problem in Utah. However, she has expressed concern that both natural and policy changes in the state could reduce the amount of available water. Some environmental groups have expressed concerned that planned changes in the managing of the Bear River, the main tributary of the Great Salt Lake, could increase the amount of atmospheric dust. Skiles herself believes that, in addition to affecting the snowpack, more dust could have adverse effects on Utah's famed skiing industry.

There is a lot of work to be done for us to get where we need to go as far as our water conservation effort. That is why we are especially grateful to our partners at Klingler & Associates, the people who are some of the best CPA's in Sandy, UT. They have been helping us share important articles like the one you just read.

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We need to make sure that we start conserving water and start these practices at home so that we can help our children develop the habits that will help them conserve water from day one.

Our goal is help others become more knowledgable about our situation and also to help them know what they can do to help conserve water. If we do it together, we can build a brighter and more sustainable future. We want this to start today, here, in Salt Lake City, and we need to start now!

Ways To Conserve Water In Salt Lake City

There are several ways that you are going to be able to help with water conservation in Salt Lake City.


The first way is to fix any of the shower heads and faucets that might be dripping water. This is because when your shower head is slowly dripping water, it can cause you to waste about 500 gallons of water in a year. But it is going to be even worse for a faucet because you might waste up to 3,000 gallons of water in a year. This means that you need to get a plumber to fix the leak.


The second way to save water in Salt Lake City is to pay attention if your toilet is leaking. There is a lot of water that is going to be wasted by a leak in the toilet. But it is not always easy to detect that the toilet is leaking, so if you think that there is a problem, then you should call a plumber. This is the best way that make sure that you are not wasting any water and your toilet will be able to function more efficiently.


The third way to help in the water conservation is to think about the way that you are going to be using your appliances on a regular basis. It is a better idea to put the food that you don't eat inside of a compost pile instead of using the garbage disposal. It is also recommended that you only wash your clothes and dishes when it is absolutely needed. This means that you can run the loads on a schedule.


The fourth way to help save water when you live in Salt Lake City is to decrease the time that you are in the shower. This just means that you are going to be taking a shorter shower and sometimes you can indulge in a long shower. You need to remember that each minute that you are in the shower is more and more water that you are going to be wasting. It is also a good idea to instead a low flow shower head inside of the shower to help save enough more water.


The fifth way to save water in Salt Lake City is to update the plumbing fixtures that might not be working efficiently. This is because they are causing you to waste a lot of water each year. If you have a toilet that was made before 1994, then it is going to be a good idea to replace it. You can also install a low flow aerator on your faucet to help you to save enough more water in the future.


Many of the things you think about are inside your home. But having more water friendly landscaping in Sandy, UT can make a huge difference when it comes to water conservation.

Salt Lake City Water Conservation Group is working hard to spread the word about our need to conserve. We collaborate with the people who do the best tax preparation in Utah, Klingler & Associates. Together we can build and better tomorrow.

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