Mrs. Balderaz

SLC Virtual

Office Hours

Hello! My office hours are Monday-Thursday from 4:00-4:30.

Email address:

School Phone:

About Me

My name is Carolyn Balderaz. This will be my second full year at Hutch. I will be teaching SLC virtually this year. I am really excited to get to know your kids and will try my best to get to know them through the screen. I have a wonderful husband that works from home and two beautiful kiddos I am blessed to call mine. Your children will be getting the best that we can give them virtually. I am an open book, please call or email me with ANY questions you may have. I know that this is a scary time, but we are here to work together and come back stronger than ever. We are taking all the precautions we can to keep your children safe. I am proud of you for making the decision that best suits your family and thank you for trusting me with your kids!

Classroom Expectations

The expectations I expect from your child is what I strive to achieve for myself.

  1. Be respectful, even virtually.

  2. Have patience, this is new for all of us.

  3. Respect your parents, they are in this with you!

  4. Show up, attendance is important, even virtually!

  5. Ask questions if you are unsure.

  6. Have fun and LEARN!

Supply List

  1. LISD issued chromebook

  2. Pencil

  3. Notebook/Spiral

  4. A ready mind and happy heart!