Junes MAG Games

1st June 2018. Today we start a new MAG competition. The subject is 'Ice' set by TGames .

I have ran my mind over a few ideas. For this month I thought I would keep things fairly simple and make the game not too long. For some reason my mind was drawn to a film that was made in 1993 and had a basic but intriguing story-line. It was this film that started to inspire me to do something along the lines of it as the basis of my game. As I already knew the story I based my game-play along the same lines with a few minor changes.

I would need 4/5 rooms for scenes, that is probably all the rooms that are needed. Next, I need some key elements. I have written out about 6. These key elements will determine how you progress in the game.

Now, for this game there will be no main cursor except arrow as most of the game will be determined by Dialog option choices.

There will also be no Save or Load.

Bill sees Carol and feels an instant attraction. But does Bill know her well enough to take things further? Sadly he keeps failing until he gets to really know her. Will Bill and Carol become an item? Oh, and Bill has to relive the same day over and over until he gets things right.

Here are Bill and Carol at the Silver Cafe in production with added elements:

3rd June 2018. Today I started programming the 7 elements: Drink, Song etc . I played around with them until I felt I had a happy medium. Bill needs to find out Carol's favorite things . I have also updated the bedroom where Bill wakes up every morning to the same song...

4th June 2018. Today I started fine tuning the 7 elements and tied them together to run an event. This event takes Bill and Carol to a new location. After which Bill again wakes up in bed..... but is it different than it has been. New animations have been made and added to the game. Unfortunately, I should not show any more images at this time.

Game is now at 99.99% complete and testing is next on the list.....

5th June 2018. Today I have started having the game tested.

Groundhog Game has now been tested as OK and the game is now ready for download: http://www.adventuregamestudio.co.uk/site/games/game/2261/

10th June 2018. Today I thought would start getting into making some pixel art characters .

20th June 2018. With two games already up to the vote I need to think about the next MAG competition game (July).

Generally I think of a Title... this could come from anywhere.... and I need it to be flexible so I can bend it to the Topic of the MAG competition. I have already done this..... Now I wait for the Topic....

24th June 2018. My game for the next MAG competition game (July) is set and is flexible.