Any advice I found doesn't work: disable hardware acceleration, disable spellcheck, re-install, clear cache, you name it. What works is to switch the Slack app on discrete GPU via Windows settings. But you must retry the procedure due to quirks of slack installation schema (Slack version in exe path). This "workaround" is also a terrible thing because it makes my laptop hot which is uncomfortable.

I immediately noticed that "Mentions & reactions" on the right side of my Slack window was gone after the update. Now when I click the "Mentions & reactions" menu item, it doesn't open in the right pane anymore but as the main content in the center of the app. It seems that the right pane is gone and I can only open new OS windows.

Slack Latest Version Download For Windows 10 64 Bit


It is important to stay up to date on new releases, as they provide users with valuable features and fixes. When installed using the machine-wide installer, Slack does not auto-update. In order to stay current with new Slack releases, we have provided an RSS feed to notify you of new Windows Slack Desktop App updates: -notes/windows/rss.

The Slack deployment tool will only install Slack if it has not been previously installed by the user. If the deployment tool detects traces of previous installations it will back out. Specifically it looks for either of these folders: %APPDATA%\slack or %PROGRAMDATA%\slack. While the latter installation path is very rare, its presence would affect all users on the system.

This can be automated by calling "%LOCALAPPDATA%\slack\Update.exe" --uninstall -s in the users context, e.g. during the logon script. If your machine hosts multiple users (e.g. a terminal server), then we recommend our machine-wide MSI which would uninstall Slack for all users automatically.

The minimum required CLI version for Enterprise Grid as of September 19th, 2023 is v2.9.0. If you attempt to log in with an older version, you'll receive a cli_update_required error from the Slack API. Run slack upgrade to get the latest version.

To get a service token, you'll use the slack auth token command to get a slackauthticket, which you'll copy and paste into your workspace to exchange for the service token. The service token will not be saved to your credentials.json file; instead, it is presented in the terminal for you to copy and paste for use in your CI/CD pipeline. Once copied, you'll use the slack login --auth command to authorize your Slack CLI. Detailed instructions are below.

I found these problems, my slack was installed by *.deb and yesterday I updated to version 4.27. I solved it by updating the nvidia video card drivers, using the drivers from the nvidia-driver package.

Hi guys!

Please check Task Manager - Performance - Memory.

For me, my Figma project eats about 8 GB of RAM. If I close all apps it works just fine, if I open chrome, slack, youtube etc. it goes dark.

So check your memory, I think this is the cause

Describe the bug

Slack is a desktop chat application on macOS. The window of the application is "immune" on BetterTouchTools action "Move Window One Space/Desktop Left/Right". I can move all other windows easily from one workspace to another but Slack window can't be moved. I trigger this action using keyboard bindings

We are relatively new to 1Pw. I noticed the slack integration, but would like to integrate with teams instead. In this integration we would like to get notified each time a high privileged account is being accessed within a specific vault. Is there a known implementation in which such a notification is generated and send to teams without 'abusing' the op CLI client?

I have a simple macro that moves and resizes the front window of the front application in response to a hot key. It works great for every application EXCEPT slack. Trying to run this macro in slack does not work at all.

Slack is indeed listed, but I can't control the slack window which I change "front application" to "Slack". I've tried a bunch of other applications (Word, Illustrator, Todoist) and all work except for slack.

Our devs could, of course, open Tighten's slack in their browser. But even with pinned tabs, browser windows still sort of ebb and flow; an individual item in a browser doesn't get its own cmd-tab; and the browser doesn't get quite the same quality of some of the keyboard shortcuts and other system integrations.

By default and by definition, a task with zero (0) slack is considered a critical task. If a critical task is delayed, the project finish date is also delayed. To build some slack into your critical path, you can change the default setting for slack in the Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to box on the Calculation Options tab of the Project Options dialog box (File > Options). For more information, see Show the critical path of your project and How Project schedules tasks: Behind the scenes.

To make sure your project finishes on time, try optimizing tasks that have slack and are not on the critical path. For example, use free slack to delay a task, or assign its resource to another task to help prevent the schedule from slipping.

If a task that is constrained to a date has a predecessor that finishes too late for the successor to begin on the date specified in the constraint, negative slack can occur. Negative slack will even further constrain the end date of your project.

Deadline dates can affect the total slack on tasks. If you enter a deadline date before the end of the task's total slack, total slack will be recalculated by using the deadline date rather than the task's late finish date. The task becomes critical if the total slack reaches zero.

The amount of slack in your schedule indicates how long tasks can be delayed before other tasks or the project finish date are affected. If you know where slack occurs in your schedule, you can move tasks when certain phases of the schedule have no slack and other phases have too much.

Free slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed before its successor task is delayed. Use the Free Slack field to determine whether a task has any time available for a delay. This can be useful if a resource needs more time on a task, or if you want to assign a resource to another task. You can also use the Free Slack field to determine how to recover a schedule that is slipping.

Total slack is the amount of time a task can be delayed before the project finish date is delayed. Total slack can be positive or negative. If total slack is a positive number, it indicates the amount of time that the task can be delayed without delaying the project finish date. If total slack is a negative number, it indicates the amount of time that must be saved so that the project finish date is not delayed. Negative slack indicates that there is not enough time scheduled for the task and is usually caused by constraint dates.

Slack values may also indicate a schedule inconsistency. For example, a negative slack value occurs when one task has a finish-to-start dependency with a successor task, but the successor task has a Must Start On constraint that is earlier than the end of the first task. Negative slack can also occur when a task is scheduled to finish after its deadline date.

The Start Slack field contains the duration representing the difference between the early start and late start dates. The Finish Slack field contains the duration representing the difference between the early finish and late finish dates. The smaller of the start slack and finish slack amounts determines the amount of free slack available, that is, the amount of time a task can be delayed without affecting the start date of a successor task.

Slack has really followed the MS model. First, you could use them with any irc client. Then they broke that, though it can still be used with weechat using the wee_slack plugin. They seem to get worse and worse, but as most companies use Windows, they get away with it. I hope that some other company comes along and is as nice as Slack pretended to be, allowing irc clients and so on, without tying you to their bloated apps. Right now, all I can say is try to get your company to use something less Microsoft-ish.

This slackclient PyPI project is in maintenance mode now and slack-sdk project is the successor. The v3 SDK provides more functionalities such as Socket Mode, OAuth flow module, SCIM API, Audit Logs API, better asyncio support, retry handlers, and many more.

I'm using it on a windows 10 machine in chrome. Control-r doesn't seem to work here. Even though I had closed the chrome browser and shut down the machine, when I brought it back up the next day it was still in overtype mode. I had to close that tab in the browser and then open slack in the browser again to go back into insert mode. 2351a5e196

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