Slack offers many IRC-style features, including persistent chat rooms known as channels, which are organized by topic, as well as private groups and direct messaging functionalities.[33] All content, including files, conversations, and people, is searchable within Slack. Users can express their reactions in the form of emojis to any message.[34] Message history on Slack is limited to 10,000 most recent messages on the free plan.[35]

"Why isn't there a 'View edit history' option? One should be held responsible for what they say/write because a message can have consequences and if one can edit their messages without being able to see the edit history then you can't prove who said what. Giving owners the option to not allow everyone to delete their messages is pointless when they can still erase the content of their messages by editing them and you not being able to view the edit history. Yes, I can also not allow editing by setting permission to never, but I don't want to take away this feature. It is very handy to correct misspellings, reformulate sentences, etc. but it can also be misused by changing the content of the message (sometimes even unintentionally). That's why we should be able to view the edit history of an edited message.

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I just googled "Slack view edit history" and found this: was both delighted and disappointed to read it. Of course was happy to see that the Twitter guy was approving of the idea but it has been almost 2 years since then and the feature is still nowhere to be seen! This should be easy for you. I'm sure if you get down to this you can finish and implement it."

Was the ability to cycle through typed history removed? There used to be an option in prefs to enable using the up and down arrow key to do so. Now pressing up just edits my last message, and I no longer see that checkbox in the prefs.

Our organisation currently uses Slack for internal communications. With the improvements in Google Chat this year we feel it is finally able to replace Slack. Google does not have an official tool to migrate our message history from Slack, does anybody know of a Third Party Tool?

I have already tried going into the Slack client, and scrolling all the way up to the beginning of my conversation history with my colleague. Then I pressed CTRL-A to select everything, and copied and pasted it into a document. What happened is that only the first few months of conversation history were pasted into the document, so that means while you are scrolling through the conversation history, Slack only keeps a few months of history in the buffer.

Greetings,I am Rea, and I am inquiring about the integration of Evernote with Slack. Specifically, I am curious if, once integrated, I will be able to access my work chat history from Evernote directly within the Slack interface.Furthermore, I am interested to know if there is a way to securely back up or export my work chat history from Evernote using the Slack platform.Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you! Warm regards,Rea

In case of replacement, the open source Zulip chat sounds very interesting. They adress open source projects and host for free (scroll down to FAQs). There is a pending issue to read history without the need to log in.

Key points:  In reduced muscle preparations, the slack length and passive stiffness of muscle fibres have been shown to be influenced by previous muscle contraction or stretch. In human muscles, such behaviours have been inferred from measures of muscle force, joint stiffness and reflex magnitudes and latencies. Using ultrasound imaging, we directly observed that isometric contraction of the vastus lateralis muscle at short lengths reduces the slack lengths of the muscle-tendon unit and muscle fascicles. The effect is apparent 60 s after the contraction. These observations imply that muscle contraction at short lengths causes the formation of bonds which reduce the effective length of structures that generate passive tension in muscles.

Abstract:  In reduced muscle preparations, stretch and muscle contraction change the properties of relaxed muscle fibres. In humans, effects of stretch and contraction on properties of relaxed muscles have been inferred from measurements of time taken to develop force, joint stiffness and reflex latencies. The current study used ultrasound imaging to directly observe the effects of stretch and contraction on muscle-tendon slack length and fascicle slack length of the human vastus lateralis muscle in vivo. The muscle was conditioned by (a) strong isometric contractions at long muscle-tendon lengths, (b) strong isometric contractions at short muscle-tendon lengths, (c) weak isometric contractions at long muscle-tendon lengths and (d) slow stretches. One minute after conditioning, ultrasound images were acquired from the relaxed muscle as it was slowly lengthened through its physiological range. The ultrasound image sequences were used to identify muscle-tendon slack angles and fascicle slack lengths. Contraction at short muscle-tendon lengths caused a mean 13.5 degree (95% CI 11.8-15.0 degree) shift in the muscle-tendon slack angle towards shorter muscle-tendon lengths, and a mean 5 mm (95% CI 2-8 mm) reduction in fascicle slack length, compared to the other conditions. A supplementary experiment showed the effect could be demonstrated if the muscle was conditioned by contraction at short lengths but not if the relaxed muscle was held at short lengths, confirming the role of muscle contraction. These observations imply that muscle contraction at short lengths causes the formation of bonds which reduce the effective length of structures that generate passive tension in muscles.

#opensource twitter - howare you reacting to @SlackHQ hiding messagesafter 90 days? We use #slackdaily for communicating with ~70 member#pyam community. This changekills our ability to discuss tips, proposed features, etc. Preferredalternatives?

Slack provides an automated export tool, and exports include full publicchannel message history, including older messages that would otherwise beunavailable on the free plan. (We have no reason to think that would change onSeptember 1.)

A better solution that deletes all messages from channels and/or groups, including file attachments, is this Python library: slack-cleaner2 (this replaces the deprecated slack-cleaner). You'll need to be familiar with the programming language Python to use it.

The tool was called Slack, and it soon became the focus of the company after developers saw the potential. They renamed their company Slack Technologies, and began to market their new product. The core team was drawn from the founders of Flickr, leveraging their Silicon Valley network to build out the new venture. In 2014, Slack raised $120 million, giving the company a whopping valuation of $1.12 billion and Slack became the fastest company in history to achieve a billion dollar valuation.

Without giving it much thought, I generally figured that the Slack message history would persist the way an email archive does. I always assumed I could go back in and look stuff up for reference whenever necessary. But I found it concerning that, when I looked at the Direct messages area on the left side of the Slack screen, I found that I could no longer see my history with this person.

Unfortunately, those conversations don't last on that list forever. Only the last few conversations remain available. Even if you tap Show more, message history is limited. Also, older conversations with accounts that haven't been on Slack for a month or so are no longer available. I confirmed this definitively because an extensive conversation thread with another client team member who left the project about six weeks ago is completely gone.

Slack does allow you to export and save a message archive, but only if you are the channel owner or admin. That said, there are ways -- even if you're not a channel superuser -- to grab all the history of a given message thread. These approaches are not particularly elegant, but they do work.

The mpim:history, mpim:read, and mpim:write scopes are requested as both bot and user tokens. These give access to group messages between users and the bot. The user token gives access to group messages between agents in Halp and other users in Slack. With these scopes enabled, agents can use an emoji to turn messages from coworkers in group DMs into tickets.

The groups:history and groups:read scopes are both requested as a bot token. The bot token gives access to messages in private channels where Assist has been invited, but only to messages and the name of the channel. With this scope enabled, agents can use an emoji to turn messages from coworkers in private channels into tickets.

People sometimes ask about moving the community to a different tool, like Discord, so we can access more chat history or benefit from fewer chat accounts to manage.We considered that, and decided not to for the following reasons:

Say you have a Slack message ts returned from search.messages, and you want to use conversations.history to retrieve it and get its thread_ts (parent). There's a slightly funky "inclusive=true && limit=1" technique there to make up for the lack of a "getSingleMessage" API, but I have found that, as of 2020-04-17, it doesn't retrieve any replies whatsoever. Whatever the latest/oldest/limit settings are, it's not a failure of the "inclusive" parameter, it just won't return any replies.

Slack's support pointed me to this sentence to suggest that using a "user" type oauth token should allow access to replies: "To use conversations.history with public or private channel threads, use a user token with channels:history or groups:history scopes." Nope, same behavior with user oauth token versus the bot token type.

@Troy Tessalone Thank you! I added the tokens and added the app to the private channel and the data shows up.

There is one problem though, instead of only brining in the parent message of a thread, it brings in the whole message history of the channel as line items.

I am planning to use loops and filters to get the message I need but is there a way the output of the webhook only shows one message?


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