Skycrane Support
This web page will be updated with any support information for this app.
A video overview of the Skycrane app
1) The NP MG and RD factions are not using Resources.
A. As per Section 8.2 in the Curiosity Rulebook, these factions do not track or use Resources. Instead, an Activation Number governs the total number of spaces where they may Operate.
2) When I run all four factions as Non-Players, the game always seems to be won by the Reclaimers or the Red Dust faction.
A. That's probably a correct observation. But it's not a fair assessment of the Non-Player setup. They've been designed as foils for actual Players, and large parts of their logic are bypassed in an all-Non-Player setup. You need to enter the ring as a Player, and then you'll find yourself swatting in three directions as the Non-Players tag-team to keep you in your place.
My observation is that the Rebels have a quicker path to their VC, and the MG and Corp have to play defensively in the first campaign. MG and Corp Non-Players do not act as aggressively against Rebel Non-Players (since that is not their primary purpose) and often will not avert a Rebel victory at the first Dust Storm. That job falls to the Player(s).
3) What is the minimum screen size recommended?
A. I tested on phones down to a screen size of 5.4". Below that number, I feel the user would have to scroll excessively to play a game.
I feel the sweet spot is a phone of 6.5" or larger, or any small, cheap tablet.
Tip: If your phone has a screen size of 5.5", but you can't see the Scenario options on the home screen, you may need to adjust your text size. On the iPhone, this is done by going to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Larger Text, and adjusting the slide.
4) How can I report a bug in the app?
A. There is an easy way to do this:
Pre-requisite: You need to have set up e-mail on your device, whether it's Mail on iOS, or GMail or an equivalent.
Switch to the Past tab, and scroll to the page that contains the observed glitch.
Press the Report Bug button. Your device should switch to your email app, with an email filled out and ready to dispatch.
Write a few words about the observed problem at the top of the email. Take a minute to scan the email to confirm for yourself that no personal information is being sent.
Send the email. Simple!
(As an alternative, you can email me bug reports and screenshots at at gmail.)
Known Bugs and Fixes
Past releases
1.0.45 / 1.0.46
Shaded Event #26 - should only allow Corp (+ EG when EG Controller) forces as targets (reported by Matthew B)
When both MG and RD are Players, the Dust Storm workflow should separate their Support turns (reported by Thomas U)
MG House in Dust Storm did not always flip EG Confidence positive (reported by Jaron S)
Event #47 - faction did not remain Eligible (reported by Justin H)
Event Card #42 should be ineffective for NP CR (reported by Justin H)
Suppress should not occur in Raging Storms (reported by Raph M)
Unshaded Event #36 did not consider moved units for Recon (reported by Justin H)
CR Player could not Travel during Haboob (reported by Matthew B)
Played Asset Events should be marked as Discarded after use (reported by FJ)
Corrected flaw in Player Coordinate option logic (reported by Matthew B)
Player Suppress could only select one destination (reported by Jim S)
Player Shaded Event #22 could only place Rebels in one space (reported by Jim S)
Corrected CR Player Attack hits computation (reported by Jim S)
CR Player couldn't control Flashpoint Dust Storm Attack (reported by Jim S)
NP Corp Recon missed chance to House in space with just-added Base (reported by Jim K)
When no options are available for an event, Submit button should work (reported by Curtis M)
Cycler called in Events should place Popn in Transit (reported by Jim K)
RD Rally candidates for Base Upgrade were not restricted to Deserts (reported by Jim S)
NP Corp Recon and Secure sometimes placed just one Base (reported by Jim S)
NP Secure and Recon did not halve activations in the Wilderness (reported by Jim S)
NP Entrench check had false positives (reported by Jim S)
Fixed Unshaded Event #36 for NP Corp (reported by Jim S)
Unshaded Event #24 should consider all spaces at Active Support for Profit increase (reported by Jim S)
CR Player - Attack on Asset Events would block on Submit (reported by Curtis M)
Card picker showed after CR Player did an Initial Storm Attack (reported by Jim S)
NP Corp Recon did not always consider sources with Security (reported by geekgeek77)
NP Corp Secure sometimes placed a Base in a Desert (reported by geekgeek77)
NP Corp did not properly check candidates for housing after Secure or Recon (reported by Jim S)
NP Corp did not use forces just moved to Earth to load Cycler in Logistics (reported by Jim S)
Player PR Toggle Confidence option could cause a display error (reported by Adson A)
NP MG Secure should only toggle Confidence after House or Repair (reported by Aaron P)
Corrected issue with Player Ransack + AI Unleashed (reported by Aaron P)
NP Corp didn't do free Base upgrade if zero Profits and didn't count Profits from Exploit on same turn (reported by Peter Y)
Corp Player could add extra to Cycler when at zero Profits
Make Travel+Activity option more readily available since Travel might enable SAs (reported by Peter W)
Player Shaded Event #4 did not handle zero EG Troops on Mars
Player Shaded event #12 charged for Ambush (reported by Curtis M)
Event 34 could move more than 3 units (reported by Phil D)
Player reaching victory threshold at DS1 or DS2 could eclipse NP reaching victory (reported by Curtis M)
NP Raid did not correctly count targets (reported by Curtis M)
Player Event 32 did not shift Support (reported by Curtis M)
Purify did not remove Bases (reported by Curtis M)
Player Coordinate did not allow just a cube Remove / Replace (reported by Peter W)
Red Wave Campaign card did not work with Coordinate (reported by Peter W)
RD Player Agitate did not include a Skip option (reported by Scott H)
Victory Check did not consider EG Confidence and Profits changes made in the same phase (reported by Curtis M)
Corp Player PR did not include an option to toggle EG Confidence (reported by Phil D)
Unshaded event 48 card did not check if Campaign Card #5 was in play (reported by Phil D)
Asset Event #29 did not consider population just displaced by the Repair step (reported by Tim K)
Shaded Event #11 only allowed relocation of 4 total cubes instead of 4 per labyrinth (reported by Curtis M)
MG could Train in Raging Storm Deserts (reported by Tim K)
NP CR Purify sometimes acted in 3 spaces (reported by Curtis M)
App did not display Agitate Total changes during Dust Storm (reported by Stefan B)
CR Attack+Ambush did not check more than 2 Ambush candidates (reported by Curtis M)
Unshaded Event 13 did not handle MG NP / Corp Player split (reported by Curtis M)
NP Corp and Recon did not check if space could take a Base before placing one (reported by Curtis M)
NP Unshaded Event #48 did not remove all units (reported by Stefan B)
Added ability to toggle display of NP Totals and AN rolls
NP CR Attack+Ambush did not run AN roll after 2nd Attack (BGG clarification)
Fixed NP Corp Logistics Corp placement on Earth (reported by Curtis M)
Fixed NP Corp Recon Nav Beacon usage (reported by Curtis M)
NP Unshaded Event 14 did not check if Housing could occur (reported by Curtis M)
CR Player Rally did not include Upgrade Base actions in counts (reported by Curtis M)
Corrected CR Travel calculations by separating Maglev destinations for adjacent neighbours (reported by Curtis M)
Corp Player Logistic LimOp option restriction not enforced (reported by Curtis M)
NP MG Limited Secure did not check all options for a House/Repair at the end (reported by Curtis M)
Only CR Attack can replace a Terraforming Base with a CR Base (reported by Curtis M)
Shaded Event #30 did not check for Raging Storms (reported by Curtis M)
Unshaded Event #14 did not check for Campaign Card #5 (reported by Curtis M)
CR Player - Travel did not de/activate Rebels correctly (reported by Jonah S)
CR Player - Travel options were not properly rendered (reported by Jonah S)
The app sometimes did not restore storms correctly (reported by Curtis M)
MG NP did not execute unshaded event #13 correctly (reported by Aaron S)
RD Player could Rally in Raging Storms (reported by Curtis M)
NP Train did not check Displaced Population before Pacifying (reported by Curtis M)
NP Logistics did not fill Cycler shortfall with Supply (reported by Curtis M)
Shaded event 21: did not allow replacing less than 6 COIN units (reported by Curtis M)
Dust Storm count in victory check was off by 1 (reported by Jonah S)
Improved CR Player interaction with various Asset Events
Subdermal Weaponry did not work with CR Player Attack (reported by Joel W)
Fixed Special Activities on Curiosity Card F (reported by Aaron S)
Fixed Transport to work with controlled cubes (BGG ruling)
Flashpoint flow with NP MG as EGC and Corp Player was buggy (reported by Aaron S)
CR Player Attack does not replace Terraforming Base with own Base (reported by Mike M)
Fixed issues with Corp Player using PR (reported by mangofeet)
Improved Player Unit/Base selection for shaded events #29 and #30 (reported by Joel W)
Unshaded Event #24: Player could not select eligible Deserts (reported by mangofeet)
CR Player could not skip Base Redeploy (reported by Joel W)
MG as EGC could not properly pick Supply for the Cycler (reported by Alex E)
CR Player got a Train LimOp option instead of a Travel LimOp when 2nd Eligible (reported by ideki)
Construction Workers Guild was upgrading RD Bases in Labyrinths (reported by Alex E)