I know that method factory satisfies open/closed principle and if I had new car brand for example Mercedes, I would have to edit switch case and add new brand and that would be bad practice. But then with Factory method my factory can't decide on which object to make because there is no switch case. I guess I'm missing a point here. Maybe I should use factory method if I had diffrent logic/strategy on creating car object, maybe one that makes random car object and one that takes string and makes object based on that string.

You can replace switch with enum if you like and simple iteration over list of allowed enum will return your desired object.What i can see from the code is that the first one is using delegation, and the second one couples your client with the concrete factory. I would prefer the first one here.

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Super class in factory design pattern can be an interface, abstract class or a normal java class. For our factory design pattern example, we have abstract super class with overridden toString() method for testing purpose.

Pankaj, You have a wide reach and your article make a huge impact on developers. I appreciate your work and dedication that you put to bring this in front of us all. Having said that I want to invite you to partner me in clearing the space and providing the correct Design patterns as they are and not as they occur to you, me or any other author. Lets stick to the original GOF definition. It defines Abstract factory pattern and Factory pattern. I want to point out that the example you have put is neither of that. In the factory pattern , the factory class has an abstract method to create the product and lets the sub classes to create the concrete product. What you have is a static method. also the examples you mentioned as being present in JDK as example of factory method is also not pure factory pattern. They are simply Static Factory methods. Those are not the part of GOF Creational pattern. I want you to edit your post so as Correct information reaches the readers.

Identification: Factory methods can be recognized by creation methods that construct objects from concrete classes. While concrete classes are used during the object creation, the return type of the factory methods is usually declared as either an abstract class or an interface.

And then, deprecating a super common constructor in favor of a static factory method, I really don't like that. In JDK 19 they have deprecated new Locale() and added Locale.of(). I understand that it is for caching but it really does not feel like a good way, it just adds a lot of inconsistency across classes.

Provide static factory methods on the List, Set, and Map interfaces for creating unmodifiable instances of those collections. (Note that unlike static methods on classes, static methods on interfaces are not inherited, so it will not be possible to invoke them via an implementing class, nor via an instance of the interface type.)

The Google Guava libraries have a rich set of utilities for creating immutable collections, including a builder pattern, and for creating a wide variety of mutable collections. The Guava libraries are very useful and general but are perhaps overkill for inclusion into the Java SE Platform. This proposal is similar to a proposal from Stephen Colebourne lambda-dev, 19 Feb 2014 and includes some ideas from the Guava immutable collection factory methods.

Static factory methods on concrete collection classes (e.g., ArrayList, HashSet) have been removed from this proposal. They seem like they are useful, but in practice they tend distract developers from using the factory methods for the immutable collections. There is a small set of use cases for initializing a mutable collection instance with a predefined set of values. It's usually preferable to have those predefined values be in an immutable collection, and then to initialize the mutable collection via a copy constructor.

There is another wrinkle, which is that static methods on classes are inherited by subclasses. Suppose a static factory method HashMap.of() were to be added. Since LinkedHashMap is a subclass of HashMap, it would be possible for application code to call LinkedHashMap.of(). This would end up calling HashMap.of(), not at all what one would expect! One way to mitigate this is to ensure that all concrete collection implementations have the same set of factory methods, so that inheritance doesn't occur. Inheritance would still be an issue for user-defined subclasses of the concrete collections.

When a remote object is exported, such as with the constructorsor exportObject methods ofjava.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject orjava.rmi.activation.Activatable, then it is possibleto specify a custom client socket factory (ajava.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory instance) and acustom server socket factory (ajava.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory instance) to beused when communicating remote invocations for that remoteobject.

A client socket factory controls the creation of sockets used toinitiate remote invocations and thus can be used to control howconnections are established and the type of socket to use. A serversocket factory controls the creation of server sockets used toreceive remote invocations and thus can be used to control howincoming connections are listened for and accepted as well as thetype of sockets to use for incoming connections.

The remote stub for a remote object contains the client socketfactory, if any, that the remote object was exported with, and thusa client socket factory must be serializable, and its code may bedownloaded by clients just like the code for stub classes or anyother serializable object passed over a remote invocation.

There is also a LocateRegistry.createRegistrymethod for exporting a registry with custom socket factories and aLocateRegistry.getRegistry method for obtaining thestub for a registry with a custom client socket factory.

(Note that there is also a global socket factory for Java RMI,which can be set with the setSocketFactory method ofjava.rmi.server.RMISocketFactory. This global socketfactory is used for creating sockets when a remote stub does notcontain a custom client socket factory and for creating serversockets when a remote object was not exported with a custom serversocket factory.)

In this example, the custom socket factory creates sockets thatperform simple XOR encryption and decryption. Note that this kindof encryption is easily decrypted by a knowledgeable cryptanalystand is only used here to keep the example simple.

The client socket factory must implement thejava.io.Serializable interface so that instances canbe serialized to clients as part of remote stubs. It is alsoessential to implement the equals andhashCode methods so that the Java RMI implementationwill correctly share resources among remote stub instances withequivalent client socket factories.

The server socket factory does not need to implement theSerializable interface because server socket factoryinstances are not contained in remote stubs. It is still essentialfor the server socket factory to implement the equalsand hashcode methods so that the Java RMIimplementation will correctly share resources among remote objectsexported with equivalent socket factories.

Note: Both the server and client applications usea security policy file that grants permissions only to files in thelocal class path (the current directory). The server applicationneeds permission to accept connections, and both the server andclient applications need permission to make connections. Thepermission java.net.SocketPermission is granted to thespecified codebase URL, a "file:" URL relative to the currentdirectory. This permission grants the ability to both acceptconnections from and make connections to any host on unprivilegedports (that is ports >= 1024).

An abstract base-class doesn't need to know anything about the classes derived from it. So when you want to add a new factory, you don't need to edit the base-class at all. You could even ditch that Rules.GameObjectIds enum.

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Now I have built a factory class PrinterFactory with a static async (concurrent) getPrinter() method that will check the hardware to see which of the printers is connected and then cache its instance within the factory to prevent more instances to be created.

A factory's job is to provide a public point to generate Foo from. You use it when consumers cannot feasibly create their own Foo "in the field" (as it were), and the factory provides that ability for them.

For example, let's say this is about data access. You used to use a library that required generating new connection objects, and therefore you wrote a factory that generated these objects. Your entire codebase now uses that factory.

You don't want to rewrite your entire codebase to no longer use the factory and use the singleton instead, so you come up with a different solution: the factory simply returns the singletone. This way, you don't need to change your old code, and this all works.

The conclusion here is that having a factory return a singleton is somewhat superfluous and is better avoided when you're building something from scratch, simply as a matter of not doing the same thing twice or muddying the line between the responsibilities.

It's good in the sense that you've separated the concerns of object lifetime management from the object itself (i.e. you didn't make the PrinterA class a singleton). However, with DI frameworks and practicing IoC, having a factory at all may be unnecessary. Let the framework do object lifetime management rather than your factories. However, if you are not going to use a standard framework, then I absolutely think your approach is the right one.

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