Superimposition has been applied to skulls of unidentified skeletonized corpses as a personal identification method. The current method involves layering of a skull and a facial image of a suspected person and thus requires a real skeletonized skull. In this study, we scanned skulls of skeletonized corpses by computed tomography (CT), reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) images of skulls from the CT images, and superimposed the 3D images with facial images of the corresponding persons taken in their lives. Superimposition using 3D-reconstructed skull images demonstrated, as did superimposition using real skulls, an adequate degree of morphological consistency between the 3D-reconstructed skulls and persons in the facial images. Three-dimensional skull images reconstructed from CT images can be saved as data files and the use of these images in superimposition is effective for personal identification of unidentified bodies.

We previously reported that superimposition of 3-dimensional (3D) images reconstructed from computed tomographic images of skeletonized skulls on photographs of the actual skulls afforded a match of skull contours, thereby demonstrating that superimposition of 3D-reconstructed images provides results identical to those obtained with actual skulls. The current superimposition procedure requires a skeletonized skull with mouth closed and thus is not applicable to personal identification using a skull with residual soft tissue or the mouth fixed open, such as those found in mummified or burned bodies. In this study, we scanned using computed tomography the skulls of mummified and immersed body with mandibles fixed open by residual soft tissue, created 3D-reconstructed skull images, which were digitally processed by computer software to close the mandible, and superimposed the images on antemortem facial photographs. The results demonstrated morphological consistency between the 3D-reconstructed skull images and facial photographs, indicating the applicability of the method to personal identification.

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I want to know if there's any hadith or Qur'aan verse that speaks against this. I know it is haraam to keep images of people and animals on display because they are duplications of things that only Allah(SWT) is able to create, but this?

The different views on this matter is not yet settled. However, what categorized as 'living' is objects that live, and able to think - Which includes humans and animals. The paintings of trees, landscapes and abstract paintings are not in this category. So regardless whether painting living things are allowed or not, a skull is not in this category. Therefore, it's not Haram. However, the most important part of an act is the intentions. If one intent to worship the skull, then it goes straight to the Haram, forbidden category. Else, if it's just for decoration or maybe you have a t-shirt with that drawing, Insha Allah it's Halal.

I think what makes your father uneasy is the fact that a skull is very closely related to 'dark' acts. It's scary, it's used in pagan rituals and the list goes on. For this matter, it's up to you, since it depends on your intentions, why do you like that shape. Well, personally i would advise you to just show some respects to your father - he isn't wrong to be uneasy.

It should not be haram as it is not a living thing. Allah's messenger (P.B.U.H) has permitted drawing anything with a soul as the people who drew it will go straight into Hell fire. However a skull does not fall under that category and could be mainly for decoration. However it is a sign of darkness and death which is stressed upon in the Quran. A muslim should try to keep their mind clear and be thankful to God in every situation. So brother/sister, I hope you are not using this image with the intention of evil but purely for decoration. May Allah forgive me and guide if I have said something wrong.

This is a selection of photographs I have taken of skulls, of photographs I have taken that happened to have skulls or skeletons in them, and of self-portraits I have taken of me holding a skull, or wearing an accessory (an earring or a scarf, for example) with a skull design on it.

By the early 1980s, the collection was getting out of hand and I needed to move house, so I gathered the skulls together for one last communal photograph (you can see it at the top of this page), and then got rid of nearly all of them.

I found it is very hard to find tools to remove skulls from CT images. All algorithms are made for MRI images. Tools are such as BET, BET2, 3DSkullstriper, ROBEX do not work with CT. Why are big different between both types of medical imaging. Also are there any CT skull removing available?

Hi, I am currently working on an artwork that will involve the skull of Dorudon (I have not decided on a particular species). I have spent many hours scouring the internet for images (including looking through the articles linked to in "Fruitbat's Pdf Library" on this forum).

I've found lots of photos of Dorudon skulls, but almost all of them are taken from very similar angles. I am finding frustratingly few images of the posterior face of the skull, and am wondering if someone here can help me, or at least point me in the right direction. For my purposes an image of a Basilosaur might be sufficient.

Thanks for making this great resource available! Aside from the back of the skull, I am also a bit confused about how the teeth interlock. In the photos that LordTrilobite uploaded, it is clear that the upper front set of teath is forward and medial to the lower set of front teeth.... however in almost every other photo and image, it appears to be the other way around. Is it possible that this is just a result of an error in fossil reconstruction? Could this be a result of variation between species?

Due to the limitations of the CW approach, a growing number of alternative methods for chronic and less invasive optical imaging have recently emerged. These methods include less penetrative skull thinning techniques [7,8], including a more advanced thinned skull reinforced by a glass window preventing bone regrowth [9,10], a silicon-based CW that allows a larger area for observation [11], and a non-invasive clear skull-cap method [12].

The scalp was first shaved, disinfected with 70% ethanol and iodine solution, and then removed with spring scissors. The periosteum was removed by gentle scratching with an eye scalpel, and lateral muscles were retracted to expose sufficient skull surface. Debris was blown away during scratching with an airstream from a custom-made air pump. The skull surface was prepared so as to remain completely dry and clean. After cleaning, acetone was applied for surface degreasing. The airstream also served to prevent acetone penetration into the bone.

For the TS method, a thin layer of cyanoacrylate glue Loctite 401 (Henkel, Germany) was applied with a metal stick and allowed to dry for approximately 15 minutes. Colorless acryl powder (EUBECOS, Germany) was mixed with methyl methacrylate liquid (Densply, Germany) to a nail-polish-like consistency, and a thin layer was applied to the skull with a painting brush. The first layer was allowed to dry for about 40 minutes before the second layer was applied. The layers were left to dry overnight.

The next day, the acrylic layer was polished only in the region of interest (ROI) with fine acryl polishers (Shofu inc., Germany). A metal bar holder was first glued to the skull surface and then covered with a mixture of cyanoacrylate glue and dental cement (Densply, Germany). Transparent nail polish was added to the inside the metal holder above the ROI. To test the possibility of injections through the TS, a small hole was drilled above the ROI. The CW was implanted in accordance with a previously published protocol [4].

To map a vascular pattern, the brain surface was first illuminated with green light (54020 nm). After acquisition of the surface image, the camera was focused at 600 m below the cortical surface and then illuminated with red light (62510 nm) to record the intrinsic signals. An additional red filter (longpass 590 nm) was placed between the brain surface and the camera to prevent light contamination from the screen during the intrinsic signal acquisition. The frames were collected independently during left and right eye stimulation (the other eye was kept closed with a patch) for 300 sec at a rate of 30 fps and stored as a 512x512 pixel image after spatial binning of the camera images.

Our optical imaging data showed that the signal magnitude for the ipsilateral (TS: 0.970.06, n = 7; CW: 1.190.09, n = 8; ANOVA, P>0.05) and the contralateral eye (TS: 1.620.1, n = 7; CW: 1.740.12, n = 8; ANOVA, P>0.05) did not differ significantly between the two skull preparation techniques (Fig 2C). Statistical analysis details are listed in S1 Table.

Procedures that allow repeated imaging of brain signals in the same animal over prolonged time periods provide new opportunities to investigate the effects of environmental, genetic, or pharmacological manipulations on brain plasticity. These investigations are not possible with acute recording methods [3,19,23]. Here, we describe the TS technique, a surgical method for skull preparation for chronic optical imaging of intrinsic cortical signals.

We thank Mikhail Semenov for his help with figures and drawings, and Frederike Winkel for injections through the skull. This study was supported by ERC grant #322742-iPLASTICITY, Academy of Finland #307416, Sigrid Juslius foundation (to E.C.), the Centre for international mobility in Finland (CIMO), and the Brain&Mind doctoral programme at the University of Helsinki (to A.S.).

The skull vault, formed by the flat bones of the skull, has a limited spectrum of disease that lies between the fields of neuro- and musculoskeletal radiology. Its unique abnormalities, as well as other ubiquitous ones, present particular features in this location. Moreover, some benign entities in this region may mimic malignancy if analyzed using classical bone-tumor criteria, and proper patient management requires being familiar with these presentations. This article is structured as a practical review offering a systematic diagnostic approach to focal calvarial lesions, broadly organized into four categories: (1) pseudolesions: arachnoid granulations, meningo-/encephaloceles, vascular canals, frontal hyperostosis, parietal thinning, parietal foramina, and sinus pericrani; (2) lytic: fibrous dysplasia, epidermal inclusion and dermoid cysts, eosinophilic granuloma, hemangioma, aneurysmal bone cyst, giant cell tumor, metastasis, and myeloma; (3) sclerotic: osteomas, osteosarcoma, and metastasis; (4) transdiploic: meningioma, hemangiopericytoma, lymphoma, and metastasis, along with other less common entities. Tips on the potential usefulness of functional imaging techniques such as MR dynamic susceptibility (T2*) perfusion, MR spectroscopy, diffusion-weighted imaging, and PET imaging are provided. 0852c4b9a8

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