Weather Links

Here are my favorite websites for winter weather

National Weather Service homepages (Missoula, Boulder, Grand Junction, SLC)

NWS Area Forecast Discussion (Missoula, Boulder, Grand Junction, SLC) Learn what the NWS forecasters are thinking

NWS Missoula Backcountry Weather Forecast Backcountry-specific forecasts and discussions for western Montana

NOAA Weather Prediction Center Probabilistic Snow Guidance (Days 1-3)

NOHRSC Interactive Snow Information Remotely sensed snow depth/SWE

USDA-NRCS Interactive SNOTEL Map Access to all things SNOTEL

NOAA Climate Prediction Center Long-term outlook

Satellite imagery via GOES-16/17 Hi-res satellite imagery. Change the 'Satellite' dropdown to 'GOES-17' for the western U.S.

Sites for numerical model geeks: College of DuPage Weather Lab Pivotal Weather Tropical Tidbits Great for wind forecasts

Wasatch Weather Weenies Professor Powder's blog... entertaining and educational with lots of focus on snow

Open Snow Good forecasts for ski areas and some backcountry areas