
The College Library contains 1358 Books and 350 titles, magazines, 3 Journals.

The library also provides access to more than 67,102,159 e-resources through National Digital Library of India (NDLI) , OER (Open Education Resources), open access Databases such as CORE, Science Open, and Statistical databases such as EBSCO.

Name of the ILMS software: NewGenLib S/W

Nature of Automation: Partial

Version: 3.1.3

Year of Automation: 2019

. Library is partially automated with NewGenLib Software developed by Verus Solutions, Pvt. Ltd.

. Provided Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) facility for staff and students.

. The software takes care of acquisitions, accessioning, cataloging, serials control, and Circulation.

. Library has an Open Access System to access to its print resources.

. College Library is registered with NDLI (National Digital Library of India) through which students and staff get the opportunity to access e-books and e-journals even in remote areas also.

. Library Website: The college website i.e. offers information about the institution and one section of it is devoted to the library.

. College library Site provides remote access to library’s digital resources and offers information about the institution and other student centric information.