The simplest queue you will ever use.

Q is a multi-threaded task processing queue designed to automate business processing in a simple and efficient package.


  • Multi-threaded
  • Scheduling system is time-zone aware. Want to run a job at 2a.m. Singapore time? Don?t want to have to worry about local daylight savings? No Problem. Q works out the correct time to run the job based on the timezone of the schedule location.
  • Run the Q from the command line, as a Windows Service, or as a Unix/Linux/OSX daemon.
  • Free sea Horse application for monitoring the queue including configuring processes, monitoring process progress and historical results.
  • Reporting on processes run, average elapsed time, process failure counts, so that you can fine tune your processes easily.
  • Built in Database connectivity, Bulk text to database data loaders, FTP and SFTP functionality, Email functionality, Excel conversion for xsl and xslx files, console alerts, java class execution, http download.
  • Extend the queue functionality by building your own custom runners using standard Java code, hooking into Q's apis.
  • Q debugging can be switched on to provide a detailed view of every thread in the queue.

Case Studies

Skill Enterprises Australia uses Q to download and process over n thousand financial rates per day. These rate come from multiple suppliers in many different formats. Files are downloaded from multiple sources, data is imported into a database, validated and verified and then stored in a data warehouse for reference, charting and financial forecasting. If you have a similar requirement, we can help. Custom implementations are part of our business model. For an obligation free consultation, email us at Skill Enterprises Australia.

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