A resume

21 may 2024 - 1st day of our Polish LTTA-students

The 2st meeting of our project is rolling, now in Poland and with students!

After we arrived to Bialystok yesterday, teams from the 5 schools meet together at the Zkola Podstawowa im. Leonarda Prystroma, in Tolcze. There were lots of hugs and smiles among all students...

After a wonderful welcome ceremony with traditional polish dances and songs there was a guided tour by the school. Then we went to the new Photo Museum of the Polish village. Beautiful landscapes we saw! Before lunch we had a meeting with the Mayor, with a very good sharing about the countries.

The lunch was in the school with typical food from this region. So sympathy were the ladies from the Association of Country Housewifes and all the staff school. In the afternoon we had the students' presentations about each country and school. Great day our students had! So good to share cultural experiences!!!

22 may 2024 - 2nd day of our Polish LTTA-students

The 2nd day of our mobility in Poland was passed at "The Tawny Forest School", a school that invests in non-formal learning methods, always in contact with nature. Students had the opportunity to experience how Education and Nature can be so together. Students, in mixed groups, did a lot of outdoor activities and had a lot of fun! 

23 may 2024 - 3rd day of our Polish LTTA-students

On the 3rd day of our experience in Poland we went to visit the Podlaskie Museum of Folk Culture where students had the opportunity to participate in artistic workshops related to tapestry and clay work. There they let their imagination run and, following the instructions of the monitor, built their pieces. After lunch, we took a walk through the historic center of Bialystok. Our Polish mobility it's going very well, with students share their cultures and experiences... 

24 may 2024 - 4th day of our Polish LTTA-students

Our LTTA-students in Poland ends with more activities in Nature. Today we went to "Rope Park" in DoKtorce, so our students could make tree climbing and activities in slides and ropes to strengthen resilience skills. Then, we had a bonfire lunch with a lot of good mood, followed by the certificates delivery ceremony. In the final we went back to school for goodbyes.

We thank the friendliness and hospitality of our Polish friends, specially the families who hosted our students. Thanks a lot!

Next meeting: October in Serbia...