
Wet lab Skills

Covid-19 Test:

-> RNA extraction, Real-Time PCR, Result Analysis.

Molecular biology and techniques:

-> DNA extraction, Plasmid DNA extraction from cultured bacteria,

-> Protein extraction, SDS-PAGE.

-> Agarose Gel Electrophoresis (AGE).

-> Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time PCR.

-> DNA barcode data and Protein Sequence Analysis.

Dry lab Skills

Computer Skills:

-> MS Office (word, PowerPoint, Excel),

-> Operating System (Windows-7/8/10, Linux – Ubuntu / Manjaro)

-> Programming (Python,Octave, R, HTML),

-> Linux Command line, Cloud Computing.

Bioinformatics Tools:

-> PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Rstudio,

-> Anaconda, Galaxy server,

-> Metagenomics Tools: SRAtoolkit, SOAPdenovo, GapCloser, ABACAS, QUAST, MG-RAST, PathoScope, Phyloseq R packages,

-> MEGA-X, Chromas, jalview, gedit, Fastqc, Bowtie2, Samtools.

Bioinformatics Analysis:

-> Genomic Assembly and Annotation,

-> Metagenomics Analysis,

-> Drug Design,

-> Vaccine Design,

-> SNP Detection,

-> Cancer Transcriptomics, Cancer Genomics analysis,

-> Network Analyst analysis.


-> Debating

-> Organizing

-> Public Speaking

-> Leadership

-> Writing

-> Recitation