
When I was working on this drawing, I realized why pencils of different hardness are so important. I used to draw all black and white drawings with one pencil, and that was my mistake. I couldn’t highlight the volume, and therefore the drawings were poured out blurry and dull. Pencils of different hardness are needed to emphasize volume, transfer the depth of the picture, transfer shadows, and gradients, as well as for lines of different thicknesses.

When I was working on this drawing, I realized why pencils of different hardness are so important. I used to draw all black and white drawings with one pencil, and that was my mistake. I couldn’t highlight the volume, and therefore the drawings were poured out blurry and dull. Pencils of different hardness are needed to emphasize volume, transfer the depth of the picture, transfer shadows, and gradients, as well as for lines of different thickness.

This picture I sketched from photos on the Internet. It was a white shirt, but I wanted to make my work difficult and draw colorful. This way of drawing is very good for developing creative thinking. I like drawing clothes because there are a lot of folds and shadows that need to be drawn, and it helps to study the shadows and gradients.

In any hobby, you must learn and develop, and painting isn’t an exception. What can you do? You can go to art school. But what if you cannot attend such a school?

 You can watch the training videos. I drew the pictures above with the help of video lessons, and I want to say that it was very helpful to learn the technique of drawing.

Ask advice from experienced designers.

You can read helpful articles.

You can try to find courses where people like you will study design.

You can develop on your own, but with the help of classes it will be easier for you, and you will have something to rely on.