Parent Teachers Network


To preside at all General, Annual General, Special General and Executive Committee Meetings of the Association. He or she shall have power to appoint sub-committees for specific purposes as agreed by the Executive Committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all such sub-committees.

To present the Annual Report of the Association and it’s sub-committees at the Annual General Meeting.

Vice President:

To perform the duties of President in his/her absence and to assist the President generally in the discharge of his/her duties.


a) To notify members of all meetings;

b) To record the minutes of meeting;

c) To attend to correspondence;

d) To assist in the preparation of the Annual Report of the Association for the Annual General Meeting and to perform any other duties as may be assigned to him or her.

Assistant Secretary:

To perform the duties of the Secretary in his/her absence, and to assist the Secretary generally in the discharge of his or her duties


a) To receive contributions and other monies of the Association, and pay out such amounts as shall be properly authorized by the Executive Committee. To keep a proper account of Receipts and Payments (with corresponding Vouchers) and make a report thereon at every Annual General Meeting; and make a report thereon at every Annual General Meeting; to submit an audited annual financial statement at the Annual General Meeting in June of each year.

b) The Treasurer or his/her designated representative shall keep in hand an amount to be determined from time to time by the Executive Committee. All other monies must be deposited, in the name of the Association in a Bank or Banks approved by the Association.

Public Relations Officer:

a) To communicate and circularize through the media, matters of pertinent interest to meetings and the school community;

b) To actively promote school functions; and

c) To assist in coordinating social events, to act as a liaison with other Parent Teacher Organizations.


To examine the accounts of the Association and provide an Auditor’s Report to be tabled at the Annual General Meeting.

Floor Members:

a) To assist with communication to the wider parent body, and relay feedback from the parent body to the Executive;

b) To actively support the promotion of school functions and activities;

c) To lead committees formed by the Executive and build relationships

Current 2018-20 Executive

President – Jason Fraser (Mr.)- Contact: 480-5314

Vice President – Kesha Knox (Mrs.)- Contact: 789-0131

Secretary – Shastri Singh (Miss)- Contact: 384-2668

Assistant Secretary – Shanti Liverpool (Miss)- Contact: 357-2791

Treasurer – Cindy Ramsingh-Ali (Miss)- Contact: 684-7147

Public Relations Officer – Ronald Bharath (Mr.)- Contact: 689-6223

Trustee 1 – Kelly Baboolal (Mr.)- Contact: 683-6582

Trustee 2 – Lyndon Neptune (Mr.)- Contact: 736-2294

Floor Members

  • Zenora Mohammed - Contact: 762-7839
  • Mrs. Alice Grant - Contact: 689-2285
  • Valerie Mendoza - Contact: 758-0148
  • Araceli Marchan - Contact: 499-6513
  • Yamilet Abuni-Baboolal - Contact: 770-4026
  • Vicky Khani - Contact: 742-5358
  • Kumar Persad - Contact: 388-4205
  • Rondell Benjamin - Contact: 498-2609

Past 2016-18 Executive

President – Kevin Ramsoobhag (Mr.) - Contact: 780-6644

Vice President – Jason Fraser (Mr.)- Contact: 480-5314

Secretary – Kesha Knox (Mrs.)- Contact: 789-0131

Assistant Secretary – Kathrine Romero (Mrs.)- Contact: 662-4580

Treasurer – Robin Ojar (Mr.)- Contact: 725-0071

Public Relations Officer – Nicole Smith (Mrs.)- Contact: 684-7069

Auditor 1 – Shastri Singh (Miss)- Contact: 384-2668

Auditor 2 – Lyndon Neptune (Mr.)- Contact: 736-2294

Floor Members

  • Mrs. Alesha Ali-Robinson- Contact: 385-3205
  • Mrs. Joanne Murray- Contact: 779-5821
  • Mrs. Alice Grant- Contact: 689-2285
  • Valerie Mendoza - Contact: 758-0148