What is Six Pack League?

It is a format of the War Robots game played with intentionally limited equipment.

Allowed is only the "classic" equipment that existed before the introduction of components. Think of it as "classic" War Robots. All bots and weapons are capped at level six.
See this link for detailed list of allowed equipment.

Teams can participate in Six Pack League. Casual players can participate in regular Fight Nights which take place on a weekly basis.

Why Six Pack League?

The game developers, Pixonic,  are introducing new equipment and items into the game at a higher and higher speed. The new bots and weapons are not only expensive to get, but are more and more ridiculously over powered. This makes sense from Pixonic point of view as they force players to constantly chase and upgrade new equipment and thus spend money on the game. But this is detrimental to the game for several reasons. 

The least of them is financial. We understand that Pixonic is a company and needs to make money. There should be a balance however. The problem is that there is a high cost entry into the game for new players. As soon as they level up to Gold League they hit a ceiling and cannot progress without spending a lot of time and money. Most newcomers get frustrated and quit. 

Second problem is that the constant influx of over powered equipment is detrimental to the overall balance of the game. New bots are unchallenged, and the meta is changing so quickly that the current game is nearly unrecognizable from the original War Robots that we all loved.

These are the reasons for Six Pack League. The aim is to create a level playing field for all kinds of players. The veterans,
the newcomers and the casual players alike. The aim is to emphasize the players skill and deemphasize the role of equipment.
No more chasing the latest meta bots and spending large sums of money on the game. No more grinding for the latest great weapon.

We play with equipment that everybody can afford in a reasonable amount of time.

How to join Six Pack?

Join our Discord server. Discord is our primary mean of communication. Its a place where we set up matches, sign up for league or just chat about Six Pack and War Robots.

Join our Facebook group.

Follow us on Twitter to be notified on upcoming Fight Nights.

The War Robots forum has a Six Pack League sub-board.