Quick Reference Guide

Following is a quick reference guide for using the new Google Sites Application

Step-by-step introductory guidelines

Getting started

Creating a new site

Adding content

Organizing your site

Sharing your site

Publishing your site

As you become increasingly familiar with editing and managing your site, you can find other lessons through the http://www.gsite.live website that will help you to add even more features. Also, learn to search using relevant keywords on YouTube and on Google.com to help identify other valuable information.

Important notes

To avoid creating confusing issues at a later stage, always organise your working methodology and create a valid site plan before starting to develop your website. Google Sites does however have the flexibility to enable you to rearrange the interlinking of pages within your site at a later date.

If you have created websites previously using other applications, you will find that the Google Sites application has its own quirky methods of achieving results, and as with any application you are initially unfamiliar with, it is important to follow a structured approach to learning and using the application.

Register the domain name you wish to use with your site. However, think carefully before selecting your domain name as changing it later may lead to issues with navigation and may also lead to issues with search engines. If you wish to experiment with your site before registering a final domain name, you can do so in a test site, but remember that internal links within the pages may possibly need to be updated if you move blocks of text from your test site to your final site that uses a different URL. It may be best to register your domain name with Google Domains, and although this is not absolutely essential it does help.

On a sheet of paper draw out a map of your proposed website showing how you plan to link the various pages together. Most sites are structured with the 'Home' page being the page that visitors arrive at via the domain name, although other arrangements are possible, and a domain name can potentially be pointed to any page within a website, although it is usually best to stick to conventional arrangements to avoid later confusion.

Major Functions and Features of Google Sites

When you share your Google Sites website account with others, you can choose who has access to it and what level of access they have. You can for example choose whether they can simply view it or edit it, or edit selected pages. If you choose to allow others to edit pages at your site, you can also choose whether they can add new pages or only edit existing pages, and you can select which pages any individual is authorised to edit.

You can share your site with the following:

To share your site, click the "Share" button in the top right corner of the site. In the Share dialogue, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share your site with or select a Google Group. You can also choose whether they can view or edit your site. Click "Send" to send the invitations.

You can also choose whether you need to approve edits made by others before a page is published or republished. To do this, follow these steps:

Once you have enabled this setting, any changes that editors make to pages will be saved as a draft. You will then need to review the changes and approve them before they are published. To approve changes, click the "Review changes" button. You can then review the changes and make any necessary edits. Once you are satisfied with the changes, click the "Publish" button.

The people you invite will receive an email with a link to your site. They can click the link to view or edit your site depending on the permissions you have granted to them.

Further Information

Following are some potential add-on features for Google Sites:

The above are just a few of the many potential add-on features that can be used with Google Sites. To find more information about add-ons, you can visit the Google Sites Add-ons websites. You could potentially even create your own unique applications and embed those into pages on your website, although there may possibly be some limitations to doing this.

Note: To obtain further information about Google Sites, enquire with Google Bard.

Following are some relevant links to valuable web pages and videos:

Google sites at YouTube

Google SItes help pages

Google Sites - Tutorials for Beginners videos

Please note that Google Sites may from time to time add new features or change existing ones. We do try to keep the above information current, although may occasionally miss new features.