To verify your server components installation worked, visit -sitecore-instance/sitecore/api/layout/render/jss?item=/&sc_apikey=TEST. You receive the message HTTP Error 400.0 - API key is not valid if it is working correctly.

If you are planning to deploy JavaScript applications, to allow Headless Services to create content on the Sitecore instance, you must assign the correct security rights to the sitecore/JSS Import Service Users role:

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The term "headless CMS" refers to platform architecture where content management is decoupled from content delivery (i.e. presentation logic). In this scenario, the presentation layer retrieves data from the CMS using an API endpoint. This is made possible by the presentation layer being content-agnostic, so the markup it generates is "hydrated" with data from the API.

In other headless CMSs, the decoupling is limited to content only, such as Text and Images. In this case, Content Authors can update content fields, but how the different content fields are laid out on the page is specified in code. Updating layout requires code changes.

To see how this connects to your SXA site, you can see and change the selected rendering host at /sitecore/content/getfishtank/www/Settings/Site Grouping/www under the Settings and Predefined application rendering host.

About a year ago, I began investigating a little around the ideas surrounding headless CMS. I attempted to layout some of the basic theories as I understood them in my article Exploring Headless CMS. After reviewing it again a year later, most of it holds up as a great resource still with some great looking graphics. As it applies to my re-engagement to better understand and implement headless CMS solutions (as this article starts off) are the following key definitions:

Though not important to the start of my learning but will be as I look at how headless CMS apply within an organization the commonly used terms as of late in the industry are DXP verses needing a Composable DXP. Per Gartner,

The dictionary service requires a configuration patch file to configure and turn-on. Once it is configured, it is accessible via REST endpoint with the following format: /sitecore/api/jss/dictionary///. Where app represents the site or application, and language is the dictionary language set to be retrieved.

The Tracking Service provided by Headless Services is an analytics tracking REST API that allows pushing Sitecore analytics events to the xDB based on client-side behavior. By default, it supports tracking Events, Goals, Outcomes, Campaigns, and Page/Route Views, and you can extend it for advanced tracking needs. (I am excited to investigate further how this could be used to really make our headless application/site be an important part of the organization.)

The Forms Service enables front-end applications to integrate Sitecore Forms through the REST APIs. My initial light research on this service did not turn up a lot of information, and I would expect most organizations that have had significant Sitecore experience would lean away from this and towards a better tool that could be integrated into their headless-composable site.

Having laid out the basics of why headless exists, why it is important to the next wave of marketing technology through composable DXP solutions, we can enter into the technical understanding of how to build a site (or application) through the Sitecore Headless Services Next.js SDK.

On Sitecore 10.1.1, I've got Sitecore Headless Services Server XP 18.0.0 rev. 00473 installed. According to documentation, that's the correct version. The package brings Sitecore.LayoutService.dll with version 7.1.0:

There are a lot of new features Sitecore has been introduced under their latest release, Sitecore 10. One of the new features which is really stuck my attention is, Sitecore headless development using dotnetcore. I will step into this feature and will write couple of articles on this. My laptop is running out of storage. Even though I have windows docker but can't really afford to use it in order to store any other images. I was thinking, how can we just simply use this using Sitecore 10 as it has already installed in my machine since we got it.

After this, run " dotnet tool install Sitecore.CLI -g --add-source -packages/api/v3/index.json" to install Sitecore CLI globally. We will be using this to sync items (Serialize items)

You will find those packages in " ". You will also be needing a valid Sitecore license with JSS enabled. You need to keep the license file (with jss enabled) in your already setup Sitecore 10 instances (cd, cm, identity, xconnect etc).

Next thing is to login to Sitecore CM and Auth instances via CLI. To do this run this command: "dotnet sitecore login --cm [your cm instance]/ --auth [your identity instance]/ --allow-write true". If it runs successfully, we will see something like this:

Our serialization work has done. The next thing is to publish "Basic-Company" solution to our CM instance. As mentioned before, you would have done the publish profile setup by now which should point to your CM instance (root directory). Publish all of the website project except rendering project : "BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering". This is our dotnetcore project which will be rendered the data getting from Sitecore via "Layout Service". Just think this rendering project is kind of JSS (client app) type of project that we normally use to create angular/react app. But here we are going to render via dotnetcore based application from the server side. I will explain "how to work with dotnetcore headless" in a separate article with proper explanations.

After this, we will move to "BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering" project. Open the "applicationsettings.json". We need to configure this rendering project such a way that, it can locate our sitecore instance

Please pay attention about those highlighted "InstanceUri" and "RenderingHostUri". InstanceUri is your sitecore instance and "RenderingHostUri" can be found in launchsetting.json of "BasicCompany.Project.BasicCompany.Rendering" project. Easiest is, just run that rendering project (right click and debug/start new instance), it will launch a browser with the URL. Just copy this.

The new version of Sitecore JSS for Next.js introduced breaking changes to add a better distinction between JSS libraries and Next.js official libraries. Follow along to see the process for upgrading the sitecore-jss-nextjs package to version 21.2.*.

My biggest reason for upgrading was that the Next.js package version 21.2.* supports rendering components built in XM Cloud Component Builder as React Server Components. For the earlier version, components built in the Component Builder will render client-side, but I wanted to take advantage of the server-side rendering, so I upgraded my Next.js JSS version.

You will want to ensure your Next.js and CLI packages are upgraded. Here is a link to the full package.json file used in the SUGCON NA site. If you have a version property in your package.json, you can also update that. It only affects logging.

Run npm install from the terminal in the directory that your package.json lives in to install the new versions. Once the npm install finishes, running npm run build will break, so the following steps are to fix the build.

Recently, we faced an issue with Sitecore Layout Service Nuget package reference. The current solution setup is using Sitecore 10.2, SXA 10.2 and Sitecore Headless Service 20. The previously installed version for Sitecore Layout Service Nuget package was 7.0.0. When we published the code in our development environment, the CMS was down and it was showing following error:

Then, I read the KB article again and there is a Nuget Version Reference table at the end of the article. The package version 8.1.0 is compatible with Sitecore 10.2, SXA 10.2 and Sitecore Headless Service 20.

Create an item with the template /sitecore/templates/System/Services/API Key in the path /sitecore/system/Settings/Services/API Keys. Set the value of the CORS Origins field to be the URL of your rendering host. It should look something like this:

The Redirect Folder template is empty (based on the /sitecore/templates/Common/Folder template) but it has configured in Standard Values the insert options for itself (so you can create more redirect folders) and the Redirect template.

To actually handle the redirect, we need to include the logic in the head app. We are going to use GraphQL to search the redirect by Source URL. Create a new function called sitecoreRedirect under src/lib/sc-redirect in your Next.js app:

Sitecore is a leading content management system (CMS) that empowers businesses to create and manage digital experiences across multiple channels. With the growing demand for headless CMS solutions, Sitecore has introduced a headless mode that allows developers to decouple the content management and delivery layers. However, the official documentation for installing Sitecore headless recommends using Docker, which can be daunting for developers who are not familiar with the technology. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of installing Sitecore headless without Docker, providing step-by-step instructions to get you up and running quickly and easily. Whether you're a seasoned Sitecore developer or just getting started, this guide will help you take advantage of Sitecore's powerful headless capabilities.

Copying these files and folders from the GettingStarted template will save us the time needed to set up the solution and install the packages in Visual Studio, as well as the time required to install and configure the Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS). Later in this tutorial, the SCS will be used to push the headless site templates and content items to the databases, eliminating the need for manual creation.

Next, before synchronizing the headless site templates and content items to the databases, you need to log in to the CM from the Sitecore CLI by executing the following script in PowerShell. Remember to change the --cm parameter value to the CM's hostname and change the --auth parameter value to the Identity Server's hostname 2351a5e196

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