
The workshop will take place at L'Aquila, Italy (Via Michele Jacobucci 4, Sala Ipogea, Consiglio Regionale dell'Abruzzo, Abruzzo). The meeting place (Sala Ipogea; Palazzo Emiciclo) is located in downtown L'Aquila, in proximity of Villa Comunale.

The meeting room is "Sala Ipogea" belonging to Palazzo dell'Emiciclo, a retrofitted structure after application of seismic isolation.

The structure was seriously damaged after the April 6, 2009 Mw 6.3 L'Aquila earthquake, and the renewed structure was inaugurated the 22th of June 2018.

The most convenient way to reach L'Aquila is by bus from Rome airports (Fiumicino or Ciampino airports). Just outside both airports of Roma there are direct bus arriving at L'Aquila (stop Hotel Amiternum). The main bus companies are called Gaspari and Flixbus; please see the time schedule in



Other connections are also possible from the main railway stations of Rome, for example just outside Tiburtina train station you can find both Flixbus and Tua-arpa bus https://tua.mycicero.it/TPWebPortal/. Please note that Tua-arpa bus stops also to "Terminal ColleMaggio" which is close to the meeting room.

(see also time-schedule of public trasportation in Transport pdf)

Please consider that the Hotel Amiternum stop is about 3 km far from the meeting room. To reach the downtown, at the Hotel Amiternum you can take a white taxi that usually is already present in the Hotel parking (otherwise call radio taxi +39 086225165 and after a vocal message in Italian type 3).

For any details about trip or accomodation, please do not hesitate to contact giuseppe.digiulio@ingv.it
The map below shows some reference points within the city.

Suggested Hotels and B&B

Hotel San Michele, Via dei Giardini, 6 - 67100 L’Aquila

Hotel L’Aquila, Via Simonetto 5A - 67100 LʼAquila, Italia

Hotel Castello, Piazza Battaglione Alpini – 67100 L’Aquila

B&B Lo Studio, Via Corridoni, 11 – 67100 L’Aquila

B&B Palazzo Rustici – Charme B&B in L’Aquila, Piazza San Marciano, 8 – 67100 L’Aquila

B&B La casa di Ago, Via XX Settembre, 15 – 67100 L’Aquila

B&B Le Dimore di San Domenico, Via Arco Ciompi - 67100 L’Aquila

B&B Il Vicoletto, Piazza Regina Margherita 11- 67100 LʼAquila, Italia

B&B Porta Bazzano, Via Giacomo Caldora 17 -67100 LʼAquila

B&B Palazzo Cappa, Via Paganica 37 -67100 LʼAquila

2009-2019: Ten years after the April 6, 2009 L'Aquila earthquake