News and Article

Urgent Call to Action: Advocate for Critical HIV Housing Funding in FY24 Budget

January 15, 2024

The National HIV/AIDS Housing Coalition (NHAHC) issues an urgent call to its supporters as the deadline for the fiscal year 2024 (FY24) spending bill looms. With the risk of a government shutdown on January 19 if Congress does not act, the stakes could not be higher for individuals living with HIV who rely on federally funded housing programs.

The Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program is a lifeline for many, providing stable housing that is a fundamental component of effective HIV care. Stable housing has been shown to improve health outcomes and reduce the transmission of HIV. However, without proper funding, these programs are at risk.

NHAHC is not only advocating for continued funding but also for necessary reforms to enhance the effectiveness of these programs. Adequate funding in the FY24 bill is essential to sustain and improve the HOPWA program and other HIV-focused housing initiatives.

A government shutdown would have far-reaching consequences, disrupting services and support systems that are already under strain. For people living with HIV, the uncertainty and lack of resources could be catastrophic.

How You Can Help:

NHAHC encourages all supporters to contact their members of Congress immediately. It is only through concerted advocacy that we can ensure these critical programs receive the support they need. You can find your Representative and Senator's contact information through the official government directories and make your voice heard.

Join the NHAHC in their ongoing efforts to secure funding and reform for HIV housing programs. By becoming an advocacy partner, you contribute to a collective effort that not only seeks victories but also stands resilient in the face of challenges.

With the January 19 deadline fast approaching, NHAHC stresses the urgency of immediate action. As supporters and advocates, we have a responsibility to mobilize and ensure that Congress acts to support our community. Remember, your advocacy today can bring about the change needed to combat the HIV epidemic effectively.

Take Action:

- Contact your Representatives and Senators to advocate for the FY24 spending bill.

- Become an advocacy partner with the National HIV/AIDS Housing Coalition.

- Spread the word and raise awareness about the importance of HIV-related housing programs

The National HIV/AIDS Housing Coalition's call to action is not just about numbers on a bill; it's about real lives and the ongoing fight against HIV. Access to housing is a critical determinant of health for those living with HIV, and it is our collective duty to ensure that this need is met with compassion and urgency.

As members of a society committed to fighting the HIV epidemic, it is our moral imperative to ensure that our voices are heard in the halls of Congress. Reach out, make calls, send emails, and let's ensure that our representatives understand the importance of the HOPWA program and other HIV housing initiatives. Together, we can make a difference.

Advocacy Resources:

- Find your Representative's Contact Info: U.S. House of Representatives Directory

- Find your Senator's Contact Info: U.S. Senate Directory

- Become an Advocacy Partner: Join NHAHC

This is the moment to elevate our advocacy to ensure that the FY24 budget reflects our commitment to the health and wellbeing of all individuals living with HIV. Join us in our mission to secure the necessary funding and reforms for HOPWA and other HIV-focused programs. Your advocacy today can create a better tomorrow for thousands of individuals across the country.