Empowering Voices: 

"Creating a New Reality" 

at the Ice House

On April 28, 2024, an enriching gathering took place at the Ice House on River Street, Bethlehem, where forty remarkable women came together under the banner of "Creating a New Reality" ("Creando Una Nueva Realidad"). This event, presented by Mujer AVECC, offered a platform for vibrant discussions and sharing of transformative ideas.

The event featured a lineup of six dynamic women who are making significant impacts in their respective fields. Each speaker brought a unique perspective to the theme, sharing their journeys and insights on personal and professional growth.

Other esteemed speakers included:

Alongside the insightful talks, SISU Empowering Others had the opportunity to engage directly with the community, providing information about the services available for vulnerable populations and individuals with HIV. Our table not only served as a beacon for those seeking support but also as a hub for collaboration. We gathered information on how we can partner and share resources with other organizations present at the event. This initiative is part of our ongoing commitment to empowerment and improving the quality of life for all. By fostering these partnerships, we aim to strengthen our collective impact and support the community more effectively together in the future.

The stories and strategies shared at "Creating a New Reality" have ignited a call to action among attendees. We extend this call to our broader community: to embrace the lessons learned and contribute to fostering an environment where every woman can thrive.

We thank all the participants, speakers, and organizers who made this event a landmark occasion. Together, we continue to weave a tapestry of support and empowerment, making every reality one where women lead, inspire, and flourish.