Sister Lacie Love Hester

Kind Words of Encouragement

Sister Lacie Hester Met.D.

The Good, the Bad, and the downright Ugly…My Church Experience

I grew up in the late 70’s. I went to a private Christian school for kindergarten and second grade. I went to a Baptist church on Sundays. In those young years, I was told constantly by the preacher that everyone sinned and that everyone was going to hell. As a young child, I was so scared and wondered each Sunday what sins I had done the week prior. As a young teenager, my adopted mother and I moved to a very rural town. I started attending a Baptist church about 10 miles away. After about a month, the deacons and pastor would come to solicit my adopted mother into going to church. She resisted and said that I needed to go because she wanted me out of her hair. The deacons gave her their numbers. A week later, she called and made deals with decons. They would give her money to buy things for her or just to give me a ride to church in exchange for sexual favors from me. This was not consentual. Every Sunday for almost a year, I couldn’t focus on the sermon because I would be so petrified because I knew after church I would be going to an elderly deacon’s house to be kissed on, molested, and/or raped. To this day, I still fear elderly men. In my early 20’s I attended a Pentacostal church with my children. It was their grandmother’s home church. I was in shock seeing people talking in tongues, screaming, moaning, dancing, passing out and encouraging the young children to do the same. Because my children and I weren’t doing whatever everyone else was doing we looked like outsiders. We were even prayed over because the Holy Spirit wasn’t making us do what everyone else was doing. So as you can tell I haven’t had any really great church experiences. That is why I decided to change that. The church we are starting will not condemn anyone to hell, or allow abuse by church leaders, or be judgmental of others. Our church us a true Oasis. One that actually allows a person to relax without fear of negative thoughts or opinions about their sexual orientation, gender, age, religious preferences, race or status.

Credentials Update

Doctorate of Christian Studies – (ULC Seminary)

Doctorate of Immortality – (ULC International HQ)

Doctorate of Metaphysics – (ULC International HQ)


Open Table Ministerial Alliance (2013)

Universal Life Church HQ (2014)

Lacie Love Hester has also been ordained as a Peace Keeper, a Peace Minister (MP) and a Healing Minister through Luntiang Aghama Natural Divine Arts Shrine Of Healing INC., Philippines.

Lacie Love Hester is the co-founder and Pastor of Spiral Path Interfaith Christian Shrine of Healing.

Lacie Love Hester is the founder and facilitator at Cards Of Hope an international Pen Pal Ministry to those battling cancer. She also sends out weekly letters to many who are in prison.