
Course guidelines will be uploaded to the website and will also be sent to parents via email.

March 23, 2020

I hope that everyone is in the best state of health and imaan. As many of you know, the school will be closed until further notice. Throughout this period, students will be continuing their learning online to ensure that things progress as smoothly as possible.

I will be teaching online primarily through my website where I will be posting under the banner "Learn At Home". I will be updating this website and explaining exactly what is required to do each day. I will also require students to communicate with me through email. The main thing that students need to be doing is as follows:

  1. Follow the normal daily schedule to keep up with assigned work.
  2. Go to the page "Learn At Home" on my website
  3. Check the tasks to do for that day and work on them.

Please make sure that your daughter or son is regularly checking the class website for updates and instructions. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Please follow the timetable for daily assigned work, located below

JazakumAllaahu khayran

Grade 5 Timetable.pdf

September 1, 2019

Welcome to my page! I am the grade 5 homeroom teacher for the school year 2019-20. You can use this site as a resource guide for the grade 5 program, as it will be updated weekly. On this site you can find weekly work plans, test & quiz dates and my contact information if you're looking to get in touch. I strive to provide a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for my students. All students are encouraged to reach their full academic and social potential and to become independent, lifelong learners.