Junior Geometry and Mathematical Physics Seminar


The Junior GMP Seminar is the PhD Students' Seminar of the SISSA program in Geometry and Mathematical Physics.

It intends to create a safe space for students to talk about their research or a topic of interest, and an opportunity for everybody to learn what other students are working on.

The talks are meant for a general audience of mixed Geometers and Mathematical Physicists.

All interested are welcome to attend!

Practical Info

- A 1h long talk.

- A 1:30h long talk, with a first part more general and a second part more technical, and a short break in between.

Next Talk

Date: Friday, May 31st, 4am 

Room: 205 (IGAP)

Speaker: Chiara Meroni (ETH-ITS Zurich)

Title: The best ways to slice a polytope

Format: 1.00 h


Valentina Bais, vbais[at]sissa[dot]it

Riccardo Ontani rontani[at]sissa[dot]it

Andrea Rosana arosana[at]sissa[dot]it

Lorenzo Sillari, lsillari[at]sissa[dot]it

Contact us by email for any queries!