Because of what happened.

Sexual abuse is something that has been a constant looming cloud over the course of my life. I have seen first hand the devastating effects it has on a person. Nobody should ever have to feel ashamed of themselves or scared because of the actions of another person. Sexual abuse is taking the most precious and intimate vulnerability a person has, shattering it, and scattering the pieces. It is wrong, it is inexcusable, and it is unforgivable.

I have seen people I love very much struggle their whole lives with the anxiety and depression that is an unavoidable consequence of abuse. It ruins lives. Some are lucky and manage to find a way to cope with it, others turn to self harm and shutter themselves from friends and loved ones. These responses are unfortunate but totally valid. These people are hurting, and their pain is justified.

One of these survivors found a way to cope with her abuse, and was motivated to help others who have survived similar abuses. She created Because of what happened. A resource to help survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual violence. These cards are an amazing tool that can help a survivor get through hard times. I use them frequently and they really do help when things get overwhelming.

This isn’t just a business I am promoting, this is something I believe in, and I know it is a resource that can help survivors cope. I encourage you to donate a deck of cards to a survivor, share the resource so others can feel comfort.


Contact @becauseofwhath1 on twitter to get more information