Sirens is a 1994 film, based on the life of artist and author Norman Lindsay, written and directed by John Duigan and set in Australia during the interwar period. Sirens was mostly filmed at the Norman Lindsay Gallery and Museum, Lindsay's home and studio in New South Wales.

Since one of the models is played by Elle MacPherson, the Sports Illustrated centerfold, and since Ms. MacPherson is featured in the advertising above the actual stars of the movie, you might understandably have the idea that "Sirens" is an exploitation film, or at least the sort of overwrought erotic melodrama Ken Russell became known for with "Women in Love" and "Listzomania." The movie does indeed feature much footage of MacPherson and her sister sirens in the nude, but it is smarter, more thoughtful and more good-tempered than you might expect.

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The clergyman is at first quite proper and distant, and Hugh Grant is able to project his unease with great conviction. Grant (who also stars in the forthcoming "Bitter Moon" and "Four Weddings And A Funeral") is an actor who specializes in propriety under fire. He clears his throat, he stammers becomingly, he hems and haws, he apologizes in advance for almost everything he says, and yet there is an appealing puppyish quality to his personality that inspires women to reassure him in one way or certainly another. Here he looks on with alarm as his wife grows all too intrigued by the freedoms practiced by the Lindsay menage, and yet when some of the sirens grow friendly toward him, he is hard-pressed to keep his mind on his theological duty.

The movie places little emphasis on the mechanics (or the necessity) of actual seduction, being more concerned with how the visitors absorb the philosophy of freedom which Lindsay and his sirens practice. They find a willing pupil in Estella, who becomes a particular challenge to Sheela, the MacPherson character. She invites the clergyman's wife to go swimming at dawn, sketches her while she sleeps, and in general provides a gentle tug in the direction of more freedom.

This is an original, rolled, one-sheet movie poster from 1994 for Sirens starring Hugh Grant, Tara Fitzgerald, Sam Neill, Elle Macpherson, and Portia de Rossi. John Duigan directed the romantic comedy.

A soft-core, high-minded daydream about the liberating sensuality of art. Sometimes the sirens in the film (Elle MacPherson, Kate Fischer and Portia de Rossi are the others) tickle one another merrily, and sometimes they talk about whether sea slugs make a good aphrodisiac.

The story is based on a real artist, Norman Lindsay(Sam Neill)and there was a real Anglican priest (played by Hugh Grant) sent to convince him to withdraw his "Crucified Venus" from exhibition. The film is set on Campion's estate and features his work throughout.

It is a little wild, silly at times, and features explicit nudity and sexual situations. Perfect introduction to Hugh Grant's abilities.

"Sirens" (title refers to Homer's sirens) tells of a young church official who is dispatched to visit a painter at his remote Aussie studio/estate to dissuade him from showing a painting of a nude on a cross. Hugh Grant plays the minister who, with his wife, encounters four beautiful models (one is the artist's wife) who bemuse him with their nude romps and sensual ways. Moreover, he's distressed by his wife's apparent interest in the unabashed frolicking. "Sirens" is a not too serious and somewhat sensual film with a thin plot. The film's appeal is in the moment-to-moment situations, the shangrila "feel" given to the harsh outback locale, the feminist antics of the bevy of babes, etc. Some will find the film tedious while others will be captivated by it's subtle charms.

His wife moves between the two worlds. The motif of the "sirens" wholure men onto the rocks is not tempting just for men. Not at all. Inthe end it is the sirens who save her. Her husband will come alongeventually.

So can one of you movie buffs explain the ending to me. Does the boat they are in sink because the sirens lured it into dangerous waters like in Greek mythology? Is that sound of moaning in the end(as I remember)some sort of ecstatic sexually release by the sirens? Is there soemthing sexualy in the ending?

It's painfully obvious you didn't understand the OP's question, Which was the following.

So can one of you movie buffs explain the ending to me. Does the boat they are in sink because the sirens lured it into dangerous waters like in Greek mythology? Is that sound of moaning in the end(as I remember)some sort of ecstatic sexually release by the sirens? Is there something sexualy in the ending? 

Their ship didn't sink, because it took them to Australia where they met the Lindsey family and the three models, they left the Lindseys' home and went onto their new parish in Australia.

Estella Campion had a sexual awakening from being around the models and having had some sort of sexual experience with Devlin the man who did odd jobs for Norman including some modeling.

Where in OP's question did you find anything to suggest he was talking about symbolism?

He asked a straight forward question. Why do people like you insist on making more out of a simple question by arguing with people about something that was never asked by the OP.

Just to reiterate again to you, the ship the Campions were on did not crash and sink. 

We're clearly told at the beginning of the film that stopping by the Lindsey place is on the way to their new parish.

The young sailor seen in the beginning of the film is seen again in the end riding in the train compartment with the Campions, a young girl, old man and older woman. The young sailor's cap clearly has the name of the fictional H.M.A.S. Ulysses.

The film is called "Sirens" and it touches on a lot of subjects and there is symbolism, but what did any of these things have to do with the OP's question?

The simple and painfully obvious answer, nothing. 

I answered the OP's question and it had nothing to do with any symbolism in the film.

Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.

Sorry, yes. I'm aware that the Titanic sank in 1912; that's why the events with the Campions couldn't have happened. Instead, they represented Estella's struggle with death. The look on her face at the end, peace and utter surrender, suggested her acceptance of death, as did her acceptance of the painting. The sirens baptizing her represented it as well, as did the clip of her at the end standing with them.

In the late morning on August 4, 1986, plaintiff Campbell sustained personal injuries when his motorcycle struck defendant's fire truck in the intersection of Clemens Center Parkway and East Second Street in the City of Elmira. Plaintiff was travelling in the left passing lane of Clemens Center Parkway. Defendant's yellow pumper fire truck was proceeding on East Second Street in response to a general alarm at the county jail. The accident occurred when defendant's truck proceeded through the intersection at a speed of 10 to 15 miles per hour against a red light. Plaintiff, approaching with a green light in his favor, collided with the rear wheel well of the fire truck after he unsuccessfully attempted to stop his motorcycle upon noticing the fire truck entering the intersection. Plaintiff claims that he engaged his brake as soon as he saw the fire truck, prior to his reaching the intersection. His motorcycle left a skid mark of 44 feet 5 inches. Plaintiff testified that he did not hear any horns, sirens or warning sounds.

The undisputed facts of this case reveal that the driver of defendant's fire engine was responding to a general fire alarm at the county jail at the time of the accident with plaintiff. The driver of the apparatus was travelling at no more than 10 to 15 miles per hour with his sirens blaring and lights flashing when he proceeded past a red light signal at an intersection, pursuant to a statutory right of way granted to emergency vehicles. The fire truck was struck in the rear by plaintiff's motorcycle when plaintiff failed to yield *514 the right of way to the pumper, despite his observation that all other surrounding traffic had come to a stop. The majority astonishingly concludes that this record provides sufficient evidence to support the jury's finding that the driver of defendant's emergency apparatus was reckless. Because the majority fails to appreciate the level of culpability required to hold the driver of an emergency vehicle liable for abuse of the statutory right-of-way privilege and because no rational view of the evidence supports the finding that the fire truck driver's conduct was reckless, we respectfully dissent and vote to reverse and dismiss the complaint.

Vehicle and Traffic Law  1104 (a) (2) provides that, when involved in an emergency operation, the driver of an emergency vehicle has the privilege to "[p]roceed past a steady red signal, a flashing red signal or a stop sign, but only after slowing down as may be necessary for safe operation." Other motorists faced with an approaching emergency vehicle which is operating its lights and sirens "shall yield the right of way and shall immediately drive to a position * * * clear of any intersection, and shall stop and remain in such position until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed" (Vehicle and Traffic Law  1144 [a] [emphasis added]). These two provisions jointly operated to give defendant's emergency vehicle a preemptive right of way, regardless of whether it faced a signal to stop.

No dispute exists here that defendant's driver was operating an authorized emergency vehicle in response to a legitimate emergency or that the driver's flashing lights and sirens gave notice of the truck's approach that was "loud enough to be heard and given soon enough to be acted upon so as to avoid a collision" (Abood v Hospital Ambulance Serv., 30 N.Y.2d 295, 299). Thus, to the extent that the majority's holding rests on the pumper truck driver's purportedly improper conduct in passing the red light and on the presence of a green light in plaintiff's favor, it is fundamentally at odds with the statute. e24fc04721

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