I am a second-year Ph.D. candidate at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, working under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Li Chen in the CELESTIAL: Communication Efficient LEarning Systems – The Implementation and Algorithms Lab. My research focused on optimizing communication costs, tackling heterogeneity (e.g., data heterogeneity, model heterogeneity, system heterogeneity), and ensuring fairness in Federated Learning.

I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology in Bangladesh. I have more than four years of working experience in different companies.

Research Interests: Federated Learning, Deep Learning, Generative AI

I am actively looking for an internship related to Data Science, Machine Learning, and Software engineering field.

What’s New!

[07/07/2024] Invited as Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

[10/06/2024] Our paper gets accepted to ICPP 2024.

[28/05/2024] Invited as Reviewer of NeurIPS 2024.

[23/04/2024] Received NSF student travel grant to attend IPDPS 2024.

[22/03/2024] Received Doctoral Research and Travel Grant from ULL to attend IPDPS 2024.

[21/02/2024] Received travel grant from Bangladesh Sweden Trust Fund.

[16/01/2024] Our paper gets accepted to IEEE ICC 2024.

[19/12/2023] Our paper gets accepted to IEEE IPDPS 2024

[28/10/2023] Invited as Reviewer of CVPR 2024.


Email: md-sirajul.islam1@louisiana.edu

Office: James R. Oliver, Room 232

Location: University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA, 70504