
We list below some suggestions of hotels close to the city center and the university. You may reserve directly to one of these hotels if you want. In case you need the help from the organizers to book a room, please fill your information to the form or email to Dang Tuan Hiep.

  1. Queen Villa 2 (2 stars)

Price: 220 000 VND to 350 000 VND per room ( ~ 10$ to 17$)

Address: 37 Phu Dong Thien Vuong, Dalat (<300m to Dalat university, <1.5 km to center of city)

Contact: 02633 76 49 49 - 0919 105 805. Gmail:

  1. An An hotel

Price: 200 000 VND - 370 000 VND per room (~ 10$ to 17$)

Address: 67 Phu Dong Thien Vuong, Dalat (<300m to Dalat University, <1,5km to center of city)

Contact: 02633 90 23 33-02633 98 84 88. Gmail: