

13. Relative connections on principal bundles and relative equivariant  structures (with Mainak Poddar) Differential Geometry and its applications

12. On the relative logarithmic connections and relative residue formula (with Snehajit Mishra)   Communications in Algebra (2022)

11.  A note on the moduli space of holomorphic and logarithmic connections over a compact Riemann surface    Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry  (2022)

10.  Line  bundles on the moduli space of parabolic connections over a compact Riemann surface,  Advances in Mathematics (2022)

9.  On the relative opers in dimension one (with Abhitosh Upadhyay),  Forum Mathematicum. (2022)

8.   Chen-Ruan Cohomology  and moduli   spaces of parabolic bundles over a  Riemann surface (with I. Biswas and Pradeep Das),  Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences. (2022)

7.  On a conjecture of Kelly on (1,3)-representation of Sylvester-Gallai designs (with C.P. Anil Kumar), Proceedings Mathematical Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences . (2021)

6. A criterion for the existence of logarithmic connections on curves over a perfect field  (with S. Manikandan), Indian Journal of  Pure and  Applied  Math  (2021)

5. On the moduli space of λ-connections , Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2021)

4. Differential operators on Hitchin variety , Journal of Algebra (2021)

3. Moduli space of logarithmic connections singular over a finite subset of a compact Riemann surface , Mathematical Research Letters (2021)

2. Moduli space of rank one logarithmic connections over a compact Riemann surface  , C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris (2020)


2.On the moduli space of logarithmic λ-connections over a compact Riemann surface .

3. On the moduli space of Lie algebroid connections

4. A remark on the moduli space of Lie algebroid λ-connections (with Parul Keshari)

       5. A CRITERION FOR LIE ALGEBROID CONNECTIONS ON A COMPACT RIEMANN               SURFACE (with I. Biswas and Pradip Kumar)

6. Motivic invariance for principal $G$-bundles with $\lambda$-connections (with Sumit Roy)

On going projects: