बहुभिर्प्रलापैः किम्, त्रयलोके सचरारे।
यद् किंचिद् वस्तु तत्सर्वम्, गणितेन् बिना न हि ॥ — महावीराचार्य गणितसारसंग्रह
Welcome to my Home page. I am Anoop Singh. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor (29 June 2022 --) in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, IIT(BHU)-Varanasi. I was a Visiting Fellow (Post-doctoral fellow) at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai from August, 2020 - June 2022. I completed my Ph.D. from Harish-Chandra Research Institute, Prayagraj under the supervision of Prof. N. Raghavendra .
My research interest lies in the areas of Algebraic geometry and Complex geometry. In particular, I am interested in the study of connections and relative connections on the vector bundles, and its applications in Mathematical Physics. I am also interested in the problems related to the geometry of moduli spaces of holomorphic/logarithmic /Lie algebroid connections, and Higgs bundles over compact Riemann surfaces and higher dimensional varieties.
You can find my CV here.
Contact details:
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
IIT(BHU), Varanasi- 221005.
Email id: anoopsingh.mat@iitbhu.ac.in / anoopsingh5192@gmail.com