I had an accidental poly household. I had 6 single sims and they NEVER got upset when the others flirted with who they were kinda paired up with. The eco life NAP free love was on and I didn't know (it ruined the plot challenge for me but may work for you as an option as mine weren't meant to be poly)

I've found that the best way to make poly sims is to use the player trait but also, in the case of marriage with poly sims, you can use the cheat relationship.add_bit family_husband_wife on all of the people within the relationship so it registers them as married

Sims 4 Polyamory Mod

Download Zip 🔥 https://shurll.com/2xYcO8 🔥

I've had a number of sims I've worked through the Serial Romantic aspiration with, and even once they have the Player trait their other boyfriends or girlfriends still get upset when they see the Player sim being romantic with someone else - it's a hit to their romantic and friendly relationship bars and also to their reputation! Personally I don't believe a married sim has any right to get upset about their boyfriend or girlfriend having other lovers in the first place, but the Player trait being broken is really annoying.

I love your mod! But I'm having a problem with the phone part it's not showing up for my females at all but is showing up for the males. The only way my female sims can get her hygiene products is through the computer.

Hello! I do love to use your mod, but it turns on DEBUG menu, and I don't want it. Can I fix it? I tried to remove my mods folder entirely and one by one added mods to find the one which caused DEBUG menu appear. So I am sure that WW is turning full DEBUG options like "destroy object" or "start fire". I'd lite to play with testingcheats on to reset sims, but full debug is too much

I downloaded the zip, extracted it to my mods folder, and I get one script and one tuning package. When I play the game, however, I can't choose the attractiveness of any of my sims. I removed all my mods and tried to troubleshoot, but can't pinpoint the problem. When I try to change attractiveness, all I get are preference options as shown in the attachment. Is there something I'm getting wrong?

Hi, I have found that this mod is conflicting with mc command centre try for baby percent, the conflict is making the percentage 0% each time I check and I've tried multiple different things but its just not working so all my sims are unable to have children. After removing WonderfullWhims from my game, mc command centre is working again but I'm now missing the attractiveness system from my game and I was just wondering if there is a fix for this as it never used to happen before.

Hi I just downloaded the wonderfull whims mod, and it is really cool. but the 'take a pregnancy test' option isnt showing up anymore, so my sims arent able to give birth. Is there anyway to fix this?

Hey, recently I've had a bug to do with Wonderful Whims where every time I try to open my sims sim profile it never comes up and just plays the music? I've taken all mods out and it still doesn't work. Please help!

Hi, I found a bug in Wonderful Whims. My sims find other sims either attractive or very attractive. And I don't get a notification if my sim finds someone very attractive. Could you please fix it? The storytelling is enabled.

so I just got an alert for my sims first period so I was excited because the menstrual portion of the mod was working and my sims woohooed and my sim had a lot of choice like applying tampons and taking a pregnancy test. Now I don't get those options. To add on to that when all the options popped up on the toilet i also had the choice for my sims to "try for a baby". So i'm not sure whats going on with it.

No, I had gotten notifications about my sims me stuck cycle and got the options to take a fertility test on the toilet but the period never came and the options went away. I set the my sims menstrual cycle to short so I could see if it was working but it still never came.

ok, so now im having a problem where i've downloaded the newest version of this mod and im getting an error notification about wonderful whims saying something along the lines of "check mods/files requiring wonderful whims to work" an it pops up anytime i try to make my two sims interact. Please help.

Hoiii, I love your mods especially the wicked and wonderful whims, Do you ever think about creating a mod that's a in the middle of Wicked and Wonderful Whims( A mod that has nudity and naturalism but isn't that detailed when the sims whoohoo?

Hi there! First, I want to say that I love your mod and thank you for creating it; it is one of my absolute favorite mods for the sims. I am, however, having a recurring issue that I wanted to make you aware of in case there was a possible fix for it later.

The issue I am encountering is with genetically female sims becoming pregnant every time they are abducted by aliens. Before posting here, I did some testing to find the problem because I originally thought it was due to MCCC or the combination of multiple script mods. However, after uninstalling and then testing individually each script mod I use in game (each mod had its own save so there would be no crossover of mods), WonderfulWhims was the only one to result in abduction pregnancies in genetic females. And in my experience so far, the abduction pregnancy rate for these sims is 100%.

Hello! I have only one reoccuring issue: pregnant sims cannot pregnancy test. I have Try For Baby enabled, so I make my sims test immediately after. What I've found is that if it was unsuccessful, I will have the option on the toilet to use a test. If the attempt worked, there is no such option. I only find out the sim is pregnant through MCC commander. That, Wonderful Whims and Slice of Life are the only script mods I have, and I'm wondering why the option isn't showing up? I have the latest mod version. Thanks!

Hi, I think what they were trying to say was that, if their sims tries for a baby and they're successful than the "take pregnancy test" option will not appear on the toilet, but when they're unsuccessful in conceiving the option for "take pregnancy test" will appear on the toilet.

Why in the world would a former partner be upset if they saw you with a new spouse? Also, it is clearly stated that there is an option where two people who are not exclusive can flirt with others sims with only minor jealousy occurring, which is a realistic average of what could happen. And while there are enough close minded people out there, it is really about time that poly relationships are made possible, because it is happening in real life often enough.

Dating sims (or dating simulations) are a video game subgenre of simulation games, usually Japanese, with romantic elements. The most common objective of dating sims is to date, usually choosing from among several characters, and to achieve a romantic relationship.

Frances Turner's Lyn Malvo dropped a shocking reveal on Jocko Sims' Reynolds with the news that the marriage that had seemingly been an obstacle toward a possible romance wasn't quite as much of an immovable obstacle as he'd believed. Her reveal that she and her husband have an open marriage was a potential game-changer, and one that both characters and New Amsterdam are treating very seriously rather than as anything lighthearted. Frances Turner talked about bringing gravity to the topic on television, and the differences between polyamory and open marriage in defining the relationship in Season 3:

It's up to Malvo and Reynolds to define what their relationship is and really what their relationship could be, and Reynolds at least seems to need some time to think on what an open marriage would mean if there's the possibility of pursuing something with Malvo. If he defines it as polyamory while she has a ring on her finger, he might not be on board, based on his initial reaction. If he defines it as something else, as he well could... well, his love life could get even more complicated than it already is. Frances Turner continued:

For example, the "Get Together" expansion pack introduced the concept of "clubs," where Sims can join or create social groups with specific interests and activities. Within these clubs, it is possible for Sims to engage in romantic interactions with multiple members. Additionally, there are mods created by the community that can enable more open relationship options and polyamory.

If you're interested in exploring non-monogamous relationships or polyamory in The Sims 4, I recommend checking out mods or custom content created by the Sims community or researching expansion packs and updates that might offer additional relationship features. be457b7860

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