Privacy Policy for Simply Fun

In our Simply Fun, we are careful about the collection, use, sharing, and protection of our users' personal information. The following describes our privacy policy.


We respect the privacy of our users and are committed to taking appropriate action when collecting, using, and sharing personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to our Simply Fun. Our Privacy Policy has been developed in accordance with the laws and regulations with which we must comply.

Information We Collect

We respect your privacy and do not collect any information about you in our Simply Fun. We do not collect any information other than what is necessary to play the game.

How We Use Information

We do not have any information collected and we do not use any of our users' information.

Sharing of Information

We do not collect any information about our users and we do not share information with third parties.

Protection of Information

We do not collect any information about you, so we do not need to take any steps to protect your information.

User Rights

Because we do not collect user information, you have no rights that you can exercise with respect to that information.

Cookies and Tracking Technology

Because we do not collect information about our users, we do not use cookies or tracking technology.

We respect our users' privacy and do not collect any information about our users on our Simply Fun.