Writing Tips

The following is edited from Usability.gov:

How to Write User-Friendly Content

  • Know who you are writing for. Write at a level that will be meaningful for them.
  • Use words your users use.
  • Chunk your content into manageable sections.
  • Front-load the important information. Use the journalism model of the “inverted pyramid.” Start with the content that is most important to your audience.
  • Use short sentences and paragraphs. Write out your content, go back and remove every word that is not absolutely necessary.
  • Use bullets and numbered lists. Not just for long lists—one sentence and two bullets is easier to read than three sentences.
  • Use clear headings and subheadings.
  • Use images, diagrams, or multimedia. Videos and images should reinforce the text on your page.
  • Use white space. Visually separate information.

Pencil image from Sabine Wollender from the Noun Project

Computer Screen image from Arthur Schlain from the Noun Project