Over the years there have been many great flight simulators that brought us to various worlds to fly in and fight in. Today it is the pleasure of CombatACE to feature this interview with Andrew Garrison, the creator of a very neat flight sim called Simple Airplanes. Which isn't as simple as it sounds. For those who aren't familiar with the game; Simple Planes allows you to build and then fly your creation. There are thousands of mods that players can use, in case they're aren't up to building their own aircraft. Over the years there have been many interesting aircraft that took to the virtual skies of Simple Planes. Some of the have been based on actual aircraft or fictional aircraft from various anime series. Yet there are still a few aircraft that are the creations of people's wild imaginations. Some fly and some don't. It's as simple as that no pun intended. CombatACE reached out to Andrew Garrison, the developer of Simple Planes, and kindly took some time to do this interview with us.

Thank you Mr. Garrison for taking the time to do this interview with us. To get started, your bio states how you bought a book about game development and taught yourself how to create games. What motivated you to create some of your earlier work and continue with teaching yourself how to make games?

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I have problems while making planes. I know COM should be in front of COL but I still seem to fail. The plane I've been trying to make is just a simple plane so that I get used to making aircrafts to make SSTOs which are harder but the plane just doesn't wanna take off and it just keeps sliding to the left. I'm pretty sure it just doesn't lift off because there's not enough lift and thrus but my wings are big and my jet engine is also big so how do I get around that and also make it stable while it's on the ground?

@PvPSky I will definitely play around with it but I feel like it's cheating when I have 20000 m/s of Delta V in a small rocket. What do you mean by making part you normally can't through the tinker panel

If the Engine Inlet is blocked, replace the Nose with an Inlet so the Engine gets Air. If you need to get the COM in front of COL, try setting the Mass, of the Engine for Example, to 0 using the Tinker Panel found in the Part Settings and increase the Weight in the Front also using the Tinker Panel.

If you have any Issues with not having enough Fuel, make a Fuselage as large as possible (50x50 in front and back, 50x25 on the Sides) and scale it to 5% Size also using the Tinker Panel. Then select the wanted Fuel Type and you have over a Million KG Fuel. 

Do not forget to have the Mass Scale of the Block at 0 to avoid any Weight added by the Fuel Tank.

@Sharandeep981 Sort of. CoM being forward of CoL makes it aerodynamcally stable in a forward position. If your wings are tipped downward, they generate lift towards the ground. If you could show me a photo of the plane on the runway (preferably from the side), I can help you figure out what's going on.

A common problem I encounter when making a plane is that the front is tipped downward, so the wings act as spoilers instead of generating lift. What I'm trying to say here is: Always make sure your wings aren't actually generating downforce!

@ColonelStriker And yea SSTOs are kinda like rockets but there are a lot of changes like you'll probably want to have 2 different types of engines if you want it to be really efficient byt landing on planets/moons without an atmosphere is definitely like landing a rocket though. The main problem I think I'll have with building SSTOs is having enough fuel.

@ColonelStriker For your first paragraph; Thats what I'm pretty sure it is but the plane I'm making Isn't that big and having the jet engine be big enough to have enough thrust or just increasing the surface area of the wings will make the plane look disproportionate meaning I'll have to increase the size of the plane to make it look good leaving me back at square one. I think I have a solve but putting engine on the wing is weird but if I can do that, it'll mean that I have twice the thrust.

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