Privacy Policy

Effective as of November 22, 2022

At Simple Fasting Longevity Science, Inc., we are committed to protecting your privacy. Simple Fasting Longevity Science, Inc., the provider of the Simple Fasting fasting app (“Simple Fasting,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), has prepared this Privacy Policy to explain what Personal Data (defined below) we collect, how we use and share that data, and your choices concerning our data practices. Our mobile application (the “App”) hosts an online fasting community where users can access resources, set goals, log fasting activity, and the App, are referred to collectively in this Privacy Policy as the “Service”).

This Privacy Policy explains what Personal Data (defined below) we collect, how we use and share that data, and your choices concerning our data practices. This Privacy Policy is incorporated into and forms part of our Terms of Use. AGREEMENT: Before using the Service or submitting any Personal Data to Simple Fasting, please review this Privacy Policy carefully and contact us if you have any questions. By using the Service, you expressly consent to Simple Fasting Longevity Science's collection, use, maintenance and disclosure of your Personal Data in accordance with the practices described in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not access the Site or otherwise use the Service.

  1. Personal data we collect

We may collect information that can identify You and other information that does not directly identify You, as listed below.

Information You provide

age, height, weight, target weight, average physical activity level (steps/wheelchair pushes), goals for losing, maintaining or gaining weight, preferences for daily calorie intake and preferred fasting conditions. We may collect and store the aforementioned information when You provide it to us in order to use the Service or in some other manner, for example by corresponding with us (by email or chat, for instance) when You report a problem with the Service or when You subscribe to any of our services, or search for a service.

Note: Information about a third party

When You provide us with information about a third party, You must have the consent of that third party before providing us with that information. By providing us with information regarding a third party You warrant that You have their permission to provide that information to us.

Information collected automatically

Device information: may include information specific to Your mobile device (e.g., OS Version, hardware model, mobile network information); Your Apple Identifier for Advertising (IDFA) to recognize Your device and support advertising activities on our Services. These number values are not permanently tied to Your device and, depending on Your operating system, You can reset it through Your device settings.

Usage information: information about the use of the App, such as frequency of use, engagement with particular features, which sections of the App user visits and common use patterns.

Location: IP address, time zone, country (state).

If You purchase the access to or otherwise use the Service through the Website, we may additionally initiate collection of the following data:

Transaction data: when You make payments through the Website, You need to provide financial account data, such as Your credit card number, residence address, to our third-party service providers. We do not collect or store full credit card number data, though we may receive credit card-related data, data about the transaction, including: date, time and amount of the transaction, the type of payment method used, payment transaction identification number.

Cookies. We may use cookies in a range of ways to improve the Your experience on the Website, including understanding how You use the Website and approving Your Website usage experience.

  1. How we use personal data

We may use Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • To provide the Service and help you track your fasting habits and display your progress over time;

  • To verify your identity, age, and contact details;

  • To authenticate your access to the Service;

  • To personalize the Service for you (i.e., to calculate your circadian fasts based on your Location Data or to present relevant content based on your Demographic Data);

  • To provide disclaimers based on your Health Data to ensure your safety while using the Service;

  • To share Personal Data back to select partner apps;

  • To respond to your inquiries, comments, feedback, or questions;

  • To send administrative information to you, for example, information regarding the Service and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies;

  • To administer a promotion, survey or other Simple Fasting extended functions;

  • To show you advertisements, including interest-based or online behavioral advertising;

  • To analyze and better understand how you interact with our Service;

  • To maintain and improve the Service;

  • To develop new products and services;

  • To prevent fraud, criminal activity, or misuses of our Service, and to ensure the security of our IT systems, architecture, and networks; and

  • To comply with legal obligations and legal process and to protect our rights, privacy, safety, or property, and/or that of our affiliates, you, or other third parties.

Aggregated Information. We may aggregate Personal Data and use the aggregated information to analyze the effectiveness of our Service, to improve and add features to our Service, and for other similar purposes. In addition, from time to time, we may analyze the general behavior and characteristics of users of our Service and share aggregated information like general user statistics with prospective business partners. We may collect aggregated information through the Service, through cookies, and through other means described in this Privacy Policy.

Marketing. We may use your Personal Data (excluding Health Data) to contact you to tell you about products or services we believe may be of interest to you. For instance, if you elect to provide your email, we may use that information to send you special offers. You may opt out of receiving emails by following the instructions contained in each promotional email we send you. You can also control the marketing emails and/or push messages you receive by updating your settings through your account. In addition, if at any time you do not wish to receive future marketing communications, you may contact us. If you unsubscribe from our marketing lists, you will no longer receive marketing communications but we will continue to contact you regarding management of your account, other administrative matters, and to respond to your requests.

3. Sharing and disclosure of personal data

Simple Fasting does not sell your Personal Data. In certain circumstances we may share the categories of Personal Data described above without further notice to you, unless required by the law, with the following categories of third parties:

  • Vendors and Service Providers: To assist us in meeting business operations needs and to perform certain services and functions, we may share Personal Data with vendors and service providers, including providers of cloud hosting/computing services, database providers, email delivery and in-app/push messaging services, advertising and marketing services, payment processors, content monitoring services, and web, subscription, and app analytics services. Pursuant to our instructions, these parties will access, process, or store Personal Data in the course of performing their duties to us. We take commercially reasonable steps to ensure our service providers adhere to the security standards we apply to your Personal Data.

  • Business Transfers: If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of all or a portion of our assets, or transition of service to another provider (collectively a “Transaction”), your Personal Data and other information may be shared in the diligence process with counterparties and others assisting with the Transaction and transferred to a successor or affiliate as part of that Transaction along with other assets.

  • Legal Requirements: If required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) comply with a legal obligation, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements, (ii) protect and defend our rights or property, (iii) prevent fraud, (iv) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users of the Service, or the public, or (v) protect against legal liability.

  • Other Users: Certain user profile information, including your name, location, and any video or image content that such user has uploaded to the Service, may be displayed to other users to facilitate user interaction within the Service or address your request for our Service. Your account privacy settings may allow you to limit the other users who can see the Personal Data in your user profile and/or what information in your user profile is visible to others. Please remember that any content you upload to your public user profile, along with any Personal Data or content that you voluntarily disclose online in a manner other users can view (on discussion boards, blogs, in messages and chat areas, etc.) becomes publicly available, and can be collected and used by anyone. Your user name may also be displayed to other users if and when you send messages or comments or upload images or videos through the Service and other users can contact you through messages and comments.

  • Health Apps: Through the Service you can share your Health Data with other health Apps (We will not share Health Data with Advertisers (defined below) under any circumstances.

  • Advertisers: We allow advertisers and/or merchant partners (“Advertisers”) to choose the Demographic and Location Information of users who will see their advertisements and/or promotional offers and you agree that we may provide Demographic and Location Information we have collected from you in non-personally identifiable form to an Advertiser, in order for that Advertiser to select the appropriate audience for those advertisements and/or offers. For example, we might use the fact you are located in San Francisco to show you ads or offers for San Francisco businesses, but we will not tell such businesses who you are. Or, we might allow Advertisers to display their ads to users with similar usage patterns to yours, but we will not disclose Internet Activity Data to Advertisers except in aggregate form, and not in a manner that would identify you personally. Note that if an advertiser asks us to show an ad to a certain audience or audience segment and you respond to that ad, the Advertiser may know that you clicked on the ad and conclude that you fit the description of the audience the Advertiser was trying to reach.

  1. Data Retention

We keep Personal Data for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, while we have a business need to do so, or as required by law (e.g. for tax, legal, accounting, or other purposes), whichever is longer.


Where provided for by law and subject to any applicable exceptions, California residents may have the following rights:

  • To know the categories of Personal Data that Simple Fasting has collected about you, the business purpose for collecting your Personal Data, and the categories of sources from which the Personal Data was collected;

  • To access the specific pieces of Personal Data that Simple Fasting has collected about you;

  • To know whether Simple Fasting has disclosed your Personal Data for business purposes, the categories of Personal Data so disclosed, and the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your Personal Data;

  • To have Simple Fasting, under certain circumstances, delete your Personal Data; and

  • To be free from discrimination related to the exercise of these rights.

If you would like to exercise any or all of these rights, you may do so by contacting us. Your authorized agent may submit requests in the same manner. Once we receive your request, we will verify your identity by sending an email to the email address you provide to us.

Please contact us if you have questions about your rights or our disclosures under the CCPA, or to request access to an alternative format of this Privacy Policy.

  1. Childen

Our Service is not directed to children who are under the age of 16. Simple Fasting does not knowingly collect Personal Data from children under the age of 16. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 16 has provided Personal Data to Simple Fasting through the Service please contact us and we will endeavor to delete that information from our databases.

  1. Other Websites

The Service may contain links to other websites not operated or controlled by Simple Fasting, including social media services (“Third Party Sites”). In certain situations, Third Party Sites may sell or provide products or services to you through or in connection with the Service (either alone or jointly with us). One such service may include the ability for you to automatically transmit information between your Service profile and your accounts at Third Party Sites. The information that you share with Third Party Sites will be governed by the specific privacy policies and Terms of Use of the Third Party Sites and not by this Privacy Policy. By providing these links we do not imply that we endorse or have reviewed these sites. Please contact the Third Party Sites directly for information on their privacy practices and policies.

  1. Security

You use the Service at your own risk. We implement commercially reasonable technical, administrative, and organizational measures to protect Personal Data both online and offline from loss, misuse, and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no Internet or e-mail transmission is ever fully secure or error free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from us may not be secure. Therefore, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via the Service or e-mail. Please keep this in mind when disclosing any Personal Data to Simple Fasting via the Internet. In addition, we are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Service, or third party websites.

  1. Exclusions

This Privacy Policy shall not apply to any unsolicited information you provide to us through the Services or through any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, any ideas for new products or modifications to existing products, and other unsolicited submissions (collectively, “Unsolicited Information”). All Unsolicited Information shall be deemed to be non-confidential and we shall be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute such Unsolicited Information to others without limitation or attribution.

  1. Changes to the privacy policy

The Service and our business may change from time to time. As a result we may change this Privacy Policy at any time. When we do we will post an updated version on this page, unless another type of notice is required by the applicable law. By continuing to use our Service or providing us with Personal Data after we have posted an updated Privacy Policy, or notified you by other means if applicable, you consent to the revised Privacy Policy and practices described in it.

  1. Contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or information practices, please feel free to contact us at our designated request address: